Friday, October 10, 2008

Wednesday evening

I've told you some of what we're doing at our Wednesday evening Bible study so I thought I'd bring you up to date on this week. Jerry missed it because he was sick but I brought the hand out to him. Remember, we're counting down from the Ascension to the birth of Jesus. This week we studied the names of Jesus. Pastor titled it The Name Tags (some of them).

Adam --I Cor. 15:45-49 (key verse 49)
Advocate--I John 2:1-2
Author of Salvation--Hebrews 2:10
Blessed and Only Ruler--I Timothy 6:15
Bread of Life--John 6:32
Chief Shepherd I Peter 5:4
Counselor--Isaiah 9:6
Christ of God--Luke 9:20
Deliverer--Romans 11:26
Forerunner--Hebrews 6:19-20
Gate--John 10:7
Good Shepard--John 10:11
Great High Priest--Hebrews 4:14
Heir of all Things--Hebrews 1:2
Head of the Church--Ephesians 1:22
Horn of Salvation--Luke 1:69
Image of God--2 Cor 4:4
Immanuel--Isaiah 7:14
King Eternal--I Timothy 1:17
Lamb of God--John 1:29
Life--John 14:6
Light of the World--John 8:12
Lord, our Righteousness--Jeremiah 23:6
Man of Sorrows--Isaiah 53:3
Mediator-- I Timothy 2:5
Our Passover--I Cor 10:4
Prince of Peace--Isaiah 9:6
Redeemer--Job 19:25
Rock--I Cor 10:4
Saviour--Luke 2:11
Sun of Righteousness--Malachi 4:2
True Light--John 1:9
Truth--John 1:14
Witness--Isaiah 55:4

Heavenly Father, I praise You for Jesus. Father-Son-Holy Spirit.


carole said...

Thank you for sharing that list.. I will have a good time looking them all up in the Scriptures and having a Bible Study.. Carole

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a long list. How long has the class been going on? Sounds like you really enjoy it. :)