Happy Columbus Day! Yesterday was actually the day but today is the observed day. I don't like it when they change days but I don't have any say in the matter. I think there is school here today. My friend, Ruth, wrote in her blog that this is a three day weekend for them, in her state.
Where would we be without Columbus? I guess most of us just wouldn't be! My ancestors came from Norway, and Ireland. Oh, I know, they probably would have eventually all come to the new world, but the timing would have been different, which would have made a whole different history! Interesting...
Lord, I praise You because You are the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow!
My ancestors came from Denmark and Austria. I really should learn more about my family's history. It would be interesting if we arrived to the new world at a different time.
What kind of fish did Andrew's Uncle Tim have? Isn't fun having a fish tank. I love it!
I've had pet fish since I was in kindergarten. My dad helped me out when I was little then in middle school (when I could finally reach into the tank) the fish became my full responsibility.
I don't like spelling words wrong either. I do it all the time though. I just type too fast sometimes.
You're right. Blogging is a good way to express yourself. Its a good outlet for artistic creativity. I try not to get frustrated about certain things and I'm usually pretty good about it, but sometimes I just can't help it. Thanks for understanding. :)
Do you know where in Ireland? My family comes from New Beldings now but originally were all born in Strabane, County Tyrone in the north of Ireland...would be interesting to trace our common roots!
Happy Columbus Day! I once built a model of the Santa Maria which was one of Columbus ships!
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