Friday, October 31, 2008

A Good Day

I had a very good birthday. Jerry wants me to be sure and write that I took the day off from cooking!!! First thing we had to do, even before we went to our friends for breakfast, was go to the hospital for Jerry to have some blood work done. It had to be done before he ate anything...we didn't even have coffee! I hope we didn't over stay at was just so relaxing. We didn't eat any lunch, we were still full from breakfast! Then we went to Applebee's, a little after four, for an early supper. Jerry had steak, he said it was very good. I had shrimp, it was very good too. We also had very good onion rings. (I love onion rings) Because it was my birthday I was sung to, by the waitresses and waiters, and got a free hot fudge sundae, which Jerry and I shared.

For his gift to me, Jerry got me a wireless router for my computer! Yeah! Andrew, I need you!!! Well, that's okay, we have someone else lined up to do the work... I was also given a hydrangea plant, very pretty; and a gift card to Applesbee' we'll be going back...! I received 10 birthday cards! One card, from my sister, is a musical card, so fun! I got five e-mail messages and a phone call, all the way from Malaysia! So, all in all, I feel loved. Thank you, everyone.
Lord, thank You for all the different seasons of life. Even though this one was the toughest one to enter, I am trusting You to lead me, guide me, watch over me, keep me healthy, etc. You have promised to be with us to the end and You always keep Your promises. I Praise You.


Here's the first step of getting city water up to our house. This machine bored the water line about four feet down in the ground, below the trees, all the way from the road to our house; under the driveway, into the crawl space and up into the utility room! The one running the machine is smiling and waving. It only took a couple of hours to do it! The worker's were really nice guys. The boss is an older man and the worker's are all his sons! There were four or five of them.
But the water line is still being put in about a half mile down the road, so it'll be a while yet before we get our water but atleast we now can see some progress.
Lord, thank You for what's been done so far. We've wanted city water for so long, help us to be patient while we wait a little longer.


Here are our beautiful grandchildren, Haleigh, Elmise, Armon, and Tyler. Elmise and Armon aren't fully grandchildren yet but hopefully they will be before too much longer. I'm so glad Rob's family got to all go to Haiti. Now the kids all know each other and are so excited about being family.
Lord, thank You for allowing Rob, Jessica, Tyler, and Haleigh to all go to Haiti, and giving them a good week there as a family.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! My big brother, whom I have always looked up to, told me I should be thankful for every birthday. So...okay, Richard, if you say so... happy birthday to me! It has started out well! We were invited for breakfast at the home of some good friends, Penn and Joan. Had a delicious breakfast of a scrumptious egg casserole, wonderful sausage balls, a very good fruit dish, very tempting mini muffins, refreshing orange juice, and can't live without coffee.
Thank You, Lord, for life; for good friends; for the good health You have given me; for Jerry, who has somehow shared my life with me; for family. Thank You for giving Your Son for me. I love You, Father, and I Praise You.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary, Pam & Gene! Without looking it up I think this is 26 years! Am I right?
My, how time flies when you're having fun! You just went on a trip east which included a cruise, was that in celebration of your anniversary? Just wondering...
The next 25 will be entirely different from the first 25 because your boys have grown (into fine young men, I must add). No more scouting, music lessons, bowling (kids), school, etc. Now, you'll have time for each other! Isn't life grand?!!!
Lord, thank You for Pam and Gene. Please keep Your Hand upon them. Keep them safe and well and healthy. Thank You for their 26 years together.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Boy, we're getting sophisticated here in our woods! We recently had a Charter bundle installed: cable TV, unlimited long distance, and high-speed Internet! Now we'll very soon have city water! They're working down the road from they're coming! And now today...a new garbage can was dropped off. No more garbage bags...we have to use these cans or our garbage won't be picked up! These are the kind that are picked up by an arm attached to the truck so no human hands will touch the can except Jerry's and mine!

Lord, thank You for progress. Help us to be able to keep up. You know how much I appreciate cable TV (basic); being able to call family without paying extra; and high-speed Internet is a blessing! I've been waiting for city water for years, thank You, Lord. This is truly a blessing. The garbage can I suppose is progress. Thank You, Heavenly Father, help us to not take these blessings for granted.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Final Countdown

Okay, I'm at the final old age! :( I just don't know how this is happening. Where has the time gone? I remember when I turned 30 I was very sad because my child bearing days were over...but then, one day we discovered they weren't over yet after all! I was going to have another baby! Then when I turned 50, I remember the disbelief I felt. 50 was always way up ahead... I would never quite reach it...until one morning, I woke up...and I was 50! Now, one day this week I'm going to wake up and have crossed over to...old age! I just can't believe it...

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven; a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Friday, October 24, 2008


Today we brought wood onto the front porch from the wood pile by the parking space of the driveway. It was work! Jerry took a picture of me carrying a load and then I took a picture of him when we finished. We made two stacks on the porch. The pile in the background is on an old mining cart. Ted found them somewhere and bought two, one for us and one for himself.
Lord, thank you for giving us strength to do this work. It'll be so much better this winter when we can just get wood from the porch for our fire. We are so blessed!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Marion & Gracie

This nice picture is of my sister-in-law, Marion, and her dog, Grace. Grace is a Miniature Schnauzer. She's a very nice dog and a lot of company for Marion, but would you believe, she's blind! Marion doesn't know when it happened or why.
Thank you, Lord, for Marion and for Grace. Pets can be such good company.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

I've been tagged by two friends, Kathy & Carole. It's really kind of interesting and fun!

10 years ago I:

1. helped Jerry work on our new log home.
2. got settled into our new log home.
3. went on trip to Israel, Jordan, and Egypt
4. flew to Washington state for my dad's emergency surgery.
5. expected our 10th grandbaby - Sydney.

5 things on today's list to do:

1. take Plaid for his walks.
2. meet with Harold to pick out photos for newsletter.
3. mail letter to grandson, Mason.
4. Help Jerry make crockpot of chili.
5. go to missions committee meeting.

5 snacks I enjoy:

1. Mackinac Island Fudge ice cream!
2. strawberry twizzlers
3. salted peanuts
4. corn candy
5. diet Pepsi

5 places I have lived:

1. Iowa
2. Oklahoma
3. Illinois
4. Indiana
5. Michigan

5 jobs I have had:

1. waitress
2. short order cook!
3. school para pro
4. caller for substitute teachers
5. ESL Tutor

5 People I Tag:

1. Pam
2. Shauna
3. Joy
4. Kate
5. Joan

Monday, October 20, 2008

Rob's family

If you'd like to see Rob's family at the orphanage, log on to this website!

Lord, thank You for computers, technology, and for blogging. What a wonderful way to keep in touch.

Bible at your fingertips

My nephew, Chris, just sent The Bible at Your Fingertips to me by e-mail. I already have it, it's a great tool. If you are interested and don't have it, let me know, I'll forward it to you. Every book and chapter is listed. You just click on the verse you want, and there it is! It really is amazing.

Heavenly Father, I praise You. Your Word is Truth.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1

Plaid and Playmates!

Sydney, Bella, and Ted came to visit so Plaid had some playmates. We were all happy. The girls loved taking him for walks.

Thanks, Lord, for visits from family. Thank you for Plaid.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Senior Supper

Yesterday afternoon, early evening was our October senior supper. It was held out at Richard's and Marilyn's log cabin. We had a really good time and good food. Marilyn roasted two turkeys. We had everything to go with it. It was actually a harvest dinner.

This is a picture of Duane and Lena...friends, that's all.

Marge , Tim, and Dee. Tim and Dee are party crashers! That's okay...we love them anyway. Actually Tim turns 50 soon so then they'll be legal! Marilyn had asked Dee to help her cook, serve, etc.

Emmie and Marilyn.

Larry, son of Richard and Marilyn, another party crasher!

Muriel, Jim, and Val (wife of Duane). Everyone was so happy to see Muriel and Jim. Jim is 95 and seldom goes out any more. Wilma talked them into coming and brought them in her car.

Duane and Lena in a deep subject!

Mary and Judy. Mary made the stuffing for the turkey. It was very good stuffing!

Joan, Helen, and Fran. Fran is Joan's mother-in-law.

Richard and Bob in a deep conversation.

The front and back of the log cabin. Actually it's two log cabins taken apart and moved here and put together to make one cabin. Newly weds, Barb and Tim!

Lord, thank you for the very good time and for the good food we ate. Good friends are such a blessing.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dog Sitting & Rose Sitting!

I'm dog sitting again with Plaid. Here he is sleeping on my rose sofa pillow! Who does he think he is? I'm also rose sitting! These beautiful roses were sent to Jessica after she passed her state exam or boards (I think she called them). Any way she's now a Registered Nurse! Her parents sent these beautiful roses to her and rather than leave them to die they brought them over to me! I'm sure they won't last til they get back home. I dropped a couple of pennies in this morning. I don't know why but pennies perk up cut flowers! My sister gave that hint to me and it works! Here's another picture of Plaid on my pillow! He seems to love it. He has good taste! Heavenly Father, help me as I take care of Plaid this week that all will go well. He's such a sweet little dog.

There They Go!

Haleigh, Jessica, Tyler, and Rob ready to go. The car is packed FULL. To see what all they're doing and taking with them to Haiti, log on to this blog: It's very exciting! They are in the air as I write this! Please keep them in your prayers.
Lord, thank You for this family. Thank You for their tender hearts. Thank you for this privelege for them to go to Haiti as a family. Please watch over them. Keep them safe as they travel. Help the medical team to accomplish much. Bless Rob, Jessica, Tyler, and Haleigh as they meet with Elmise and Armon.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Oh, I'm so excited! Jerry and I just saw some Eastern Bluebirds in our yard! My guess is they are going south. We had some camping in our flowering crab tree last spring on their way north. I even got this picture of one then! You can see there is still snow on the ground! I think I posted this picture last spring.
Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are the Creator! Thank You for giving Jerry and me a glimpse of Your creativity and Your Creation.

Good morning

Yesterday I picked up pine cones in our yard for kindling. I kept wishing Maddie was here to help me. She would have helped, I know. She'll be two years old soon. This picture of her was taken last June when they were here to visit. If I was a crafty person I would probably make something creative with the pinecones but I'm not. They need to be picked up though so Jerry can run the mower/leaf picker upper. Just look how thick the leaves are!

Jerry and I both got up at 6:00 AM this morning! No reason, we just both woke up so we got up. I wish that would happened back when he was working and we had kids in school, etc.

Jerry and I are reading another book together. We just started it yesterday so we've only read the introduction, but it was so interesting I can hardly wait to read the first chapter this morning. The book is Ten Fingers For God by Dorothy Clark Wilson. Again, it's an old book. It's been on my book shelf for years, I've read it before, and I remember it being a very good book. I picked it out because it's the life story of Dr. Paul Brand. He wrote the last book we read with Philip Yancey: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. We've been told we should read The Shack, and we will but I have to buy it first.
Lord, thank You for this day. Please continue giving Jerry strength. Thank You for touching him.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


This picture was given to me last Sunday by our friends, Dave and Naomi. This is Robby, we call him Rob today. The date on the back says '83 which means he was probably nine years old. It looks like he has a CYC sweat shirt on. CYC was our church's equivalent of scouts. It looks like he has a wrist watch on. I don't know if he was helping put chairs away or if he was hindering!

Lord, thank You for Robby...thank You for Rob. Please be with them this week as the family is getting ready to go to Haiti. This is a big important time in their lives.

Jerry & Kelby

This picture of Jerry and our good friend, Kelby, was taken last summer when we were camping. We had gone to the horse camp, where Sydney had been, to watch the Showdeo! Penn snapped this picture and Joan just gave it to me on Sunday. It's a good picture, I think. Thanks, Penn and Joan!
Lord, thank You for friends, for good times, for good memories, and for You!

A New Day

The sun is shining brightly. In the night, Jerry says it rained...I didn't hear it. Temps are going to fall today. The leaves are falling like crazy! The back yard looked so good yesterday after Jerry mowed and picked up the leaves...this morning the back yard is completely covered with leaves! Jerry is going on some errands this morning! He's feeling better and stronger, but still moves slowly.

Last night on PBS I watched An American Experience. They are doing a series on Presidents. Last night was the story of Richard Nixon. I learned a lot... things I didn't know before. Then one of my favorite movies came on, on a different channel, and I actually turned it off! An Affair to Remember. It was late and I was sleepy...I have it on DVD...I can watch it any time I want to!

I was asked again about the newsletter I mention in some of my blogs. I've written about it before but here is an explanation. Prime Time News is a newsletter I write for the senior folks at our church. I love writing it, and with the help of my brother, it's a newsletter I'm now proud of. It's mainly interesting only to folks in our church, or folks who used to live here, because I cover news happening here among us. It's bi-weekly, I started out printing 20...I now print 60 and send 23 by e-mail! I give all the credit to the Lord and I thank Him for this privilege. He has blessed me!

Lord, thank You for touching Jerry. It's so good to have him up and doing things. Just, please, don't let him overdo. Thank You for this means of communication: blogging. Thank You for technology.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Follow Up

Okay, I've had some comments on Jerry working today so I guess I'd better follow-up on it. When Jerry went out to cut off the log, I went out too so I was with him and then afterward I put stain on the cut off log. When he was on the tractor I went out again and helped him dump the leaf bags. So again I was with him. When we came in, I read Richard's comment and Jerry said that was exactly right. He needed to do the work, even just to know he still could. So maybe that will help him get all better now, I don't know. The back yard does look good now, I have to admit. You may be wondering why I didn't do the work for him. Well, I've never run the chain saw, I'm sure I couldn't. I've never driven the tractor either. I'm sure I could but he just always does it. Maybe some day I'll try, I don't know.

Lord, thank you for being with Jerry today. Please continue to strengthen him. Forgive me for being so angry.


Monday is, maybe, a day for frustrations, I don't know. I've been trying to put music to my blog and I've got the music but I can't get it on my blog! Some of my friends have it on their blogs so what am I doing wrong? Or what am I not doing? I'm not one to give up so I'll keep trying...

Jerry really frustrated me today. Here he's been sick, very sick, for over a week, 11 days to be exact. Today is a beautiful day so what does he do? Does he go out and sit on the porch swing or in a lawn chair? No...he goes out to the pole barn, gets his chain saw and cuts a log on our house that seems to be rotting! Just walking exhausts him!!! Now he's out sawing off a log!!! He stopped to rest twice before he finished...!!! It's one that stuck out beyond the eaves so rain water poured on it every time it rained and so it was rotting. Our log man wanted to cut it off when we built the house but Jerry said, "No, leave it." Now he wishes he'd let him cut it off. And now I'm so mad he really wishes he'd let him!!! I know he's tired of just sitting and seeing work to be done before cold weather hits.
Now he just got up from his nap and he wants to go out and on the tractor to pick up a few leaves! He won't do it all...yeah right. Well, whatever...

Lord, you know all about when I get frustrated. Please help me to be understanding. Please help Jerry to be patient and not overdo. Give him strength.

Columbus Day

Happy Columbus Day! Yesterday was actually the day but today is the observed day. I don't like it when they change days but I don't have any say in the matter. I think there is school here today. My friend, Ruth, wrote in her blog that this is a three day weekend for them, in her state.

Where would we be without Columbus? I guess most of us just wouldn't be! My ancestors came from Norway, and Ireland. Oh, I know, they probably would have eventually all come to the new world, but the timing would have been different, which would have made a whole different history! Interesting...

Lord, I praise You because You are the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


This morning I attended two churches! At 9:30 I was at the church that is sending a medical team to Haiti. Rob, Jessica, Tyler, and Haleigh are joining that team and will be going down next Saturday Oct. 18 through 25. There was a special send off prayer for the team, of which the pastor is also a member. 21 team members stood on the platform as a young man from Haiti prayed and the congregation lifted their arms, reaching toward the team, in agreement with the prayer for safety, for much to be accomplished, for God's presence to be felt.

Then at 11:00 I was at my own church for our service. Pastor Dave brought a very good message on HOPE. The hope we have in Jesus.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the Presence of the Holy Spirit in both churches.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends! I have quite a few of you now! I'll admit I'm a little today Thanksgiving Day or is tomorrow? My calendar says tomorrow but I'm reading happy thanksgiving greetings today. Will someone please clear up my confusion?! I can't believe the snow you're getting! Well, maybe I can...I'll never forget the year we were in Saskatchuwan for Thanksgiving. We were out at Arlington Beach for a BIG Thanksgiving Day celebration. Singers had come from Regina and traveled through a huge snow storm. I have great pictures of that time. It was several years ago.

Lord, on this Thanksgiving Day I'm especially thankful for my Canadian friends. Bless them with Your Presence. Protect them in this snow storm.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Our friend, Wilma, came over this afternoon. You see, a few years ago Jerry took her for a ride in the MG and I took their picture. Since I featured her in the newsletter I wanted to put that picture in. But, I took it before digital camera's came to be and I gave her the picture. Now, I want to use it and she can't find it. It's probably in a book as a book mark! She said she looked all over. So, Jerry suggested she come over and he'd get the MG out so I can take another picture. As long as they were in the car he took her for a ride around our country roads. The sun was so bright, I should have set the camera differently but I'm not good at it. So it's not a good picture...Jerry's not feeling well...and my printer won't work. How is your day?

Lord, please touch Jerry. He's had a set back this evening. Please, Lord. You are our Healer.

Saturday morning

The sun is shining again today. It's a beautiful day! I actually slept in this morning! I seldom do. I woke up about 8:00! I'm usually up by 6 or 7, sometimes earlier! I did go to bed quite late...Driving Miss Daisy came on so of course I watched that and then Murder She Wrote came on. Why do they have to put good shows on so late? For some reason we couldn't get channel 8 which is the station for Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? Jerry went to bed very early again. He actually felt better yesterday then he does today.

I was just relaxing this morning after breakfast, not dressed yet, when someone knocked on the door! Oh, dear. There stood a nice looking, nicely dressed teenage boy, about 14. I opened the door a crack and said, "You caught me at a bad time." He said he was sorry and then held out a booklet. I recognized it immediately, The Watchtower. He said they were going around to all our neighbors giving these booklets out. I said okay and took it. He left, and I then checked out the bedroom window to see what car had brought him. It was a van with other folks in it. He's probably in training. They usually come to the door in two's. Now, you may be wondering why I didn't say, no, thank you. Well, I immediately threw it in the trash, and said to Jerry, "That's one less they have to give to someone else." I feel bad because if I had dressed, I would have said something like this, "I'll be praying for you, because you're being badly misled. You see, Jesus Christ lives in me. He is a living reality within me! He's not just a prophet, He's the Son of God." This is what I have said to many of them in the past. One woman keeps coming back, I invite her in and I listen to what she says and then I tell her what I believe. I don't argue with her and I pray for her. I hope she keeps coming back because she senses there is something real here that she's not getting.

I just had a nice long visit with Lorraine. We were going to get to be together with our mom, we both feel bad now. She's still going and she'll call from my mom's place so we can have a visit with the three of us.

A friend is coming over here about 3:00 so I need to get some things done.

Lord, I thank You for the personal relationship I have with you. It means so much to me. Help others to see You in my life. I love You. Please reveal Yourself to the young boy who came here this morning. Help him to seek the Truth and to find You. Please be with Lorraine as she travels to Colorado. Help her to have a really good time with Mother. Help me to be able to go out soon. Thank You for touching Jerry. Please help him to get his strength back.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Wednesday evening

I've told you some of what we're doing at our Wednesday evening Bible study so I thought I'd bring you up to date on this week. Jerry missed it because he was sick but I brought the hand out to him. Remember, we're counting down from the Ascension to the birth of Jesus. This week we studied the names of Jesus. Pastor titled it The Name Tags (some of them).

Adam --I Cor. 15:45-49 (key verse 49)
Advocate--I John 2:1-2
Author of Salvation--Hebrews 2:10
Blessed and Only Ruler--I Timothy 6:15
Bread of Life--John 6:32
Chief Shepherd I Peter 5:4
Counselor--Isaiah 9:6
Christ of God--Luke 9:20
Deliverer--Romans 11:26
Forerunner--Hebrews 6:19-20
Gate--John 10:7
Good Shepard--John 10:11
Great High Priest--Hebrews 4:14
Heir of all Things--Hebrews 1:2
Head of the Church--Ephesians 1:22
Horn of Salvation--Luke 1:69
Image of God--2 Cor 4:4
Immanuel--Isaiah 7:14
King Eternal--I Timothy 1:17
Lamb of God--John 1:29
Life--John 14:6
Light of the World--John 8:12
Lord, our Righteousness--Jeremiah 23:6
Man of Sorrows--Isaiah 53:3
Mediator-- I Timothy 2:5
Our Passover--I Cor 10:4
Prince of Peace--Isaiah 9:6
Redeemer--Job 19:25
Rock--I Cor 10:4
Saviour--Luke 2:11
Sun of Righteousness--Malachi 4:2
True Light--John 1:9
Truth--John 1:14
Witness--Isaiah 55:4

Heavenly Father, I praise You for Jesus. Father-Son-Holy Spirit.


Jerry is continuing to feel better! He wanted to get out of the house today. He walked around the yard this morning for a few minutes. This afternoon we went for a short ride through the country side so I could take a picture of fall colors. It's surprising how even this is exhausting to him. I need a picture for the newsletter I put out. So if you get the newsletter you'll see this picture. Sorry. Even though Jerry is now exhausted again it seemed good to him to get out.
Lord, thank you for the beautiful fall colors. Only You could create something so beautiful and brilliant. Thank you for helping Jerry to gain strength. Help him not to overdo but to keep gaining strength.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Feeling a little better

Some of you may be wondering about Jerry...he's feeling a little better now. He's keeping his food down although his stomach does still grumble some times! He's not doing anything yet. When he tries to do some little task he quickly discovers he has no strength. He stayed up longer today then he has all week! He's already in bed now though for the night. far I've not gotten it!
Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are our Healer. Thank You for touching Jerry and helping him to get past the throwing up and the other misery. Please strengthen him. Help me to stay healthy. I love You and I praise You.


Once again I was asked a question about my Wordless Wednesday photos so I'll write about it today. I was asked where we got such a cute frog. We didn't get him, he got us! He appeared resting on a log of the back wall of our house over the deck, so I took his picture. Then he appeared on the glass of our back door, so again I took his picture. One day I heard a very loud croaking so I went out to investigate. After looking all over and not finding any creature, I opened a storage box, for our chair cushions, and there he was! I think he got in and couldn't get out! I let him out and he was happy again.

Lord, thank you for little harmless creatures. Please keep the big bad ones away!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Monday, October 06, 2008

More this and that

This is a quiet day with Jerry mainly resting/sleeping. I've done a few quiet jobs trying not to disturb him. I've talked on the phone to my older brother and sister but in the sun room where I can close the door. I've done some reflecting in the quietness so thought I'd write a little about it.

Fun with my granddaughter's? Yesterday two rode with me to the birthday party, as we drove by the cemetery I asked if they'd like to drive by the grave of Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa. (We were early for the party.) They said sure but not very enthusiastically. When they saw the name they perked right up and were glad to see it. I drove slowly through the cemetery and pointed out some interesting sites, like the tall grave stone shaped like a tree with broken branches. Below the 'tree' are log shaped tomb stones. Fascinating. Then they pointed out some tombs that had lambs, angels, etc., I explained that this was the children's section. We stopped so they could get out and walk for a closer look. It was kind of a lesson to them that sometimes life ends no matter what our age. Then we drove by the soldier's section. We left in kind of a somber mood and arrived at the party right on time. It was fun meeting up with everyone and it only took a second to become happy and joyful again.

Jerry and I got our new passports last week. His arrived before mine so I was a little worried. Now we're ready to go to Malaysia! We've got our passports, our tickets, we're on our way!!!

While Pam was here she programed our remotes...oh my goodness...we get lots of channels! We were both so surprised!

I listened to my brother on his radio program last evening. He lives in Colorado but I can listen to him on my computer! That I can listen now that I have high-speed Internet!

I called the doctor's office this morning, the nurse I talked to told me to do everything I'm already doing so we just have to wait it out and hope I don't get it.

Well, enough chit chat for now.

Lord, You know all things. Please touch Jerry. Thank You for family. Thank You for all of our blessings.

Change of plans!

I'm writing this at 6:30 AM. Already this day is not going the way I had planned...sometimes this happens. We just had a big weekend with family and extended family. This morning we were leaving on a trip to Colorado to visit my mom; my two brothers and sisters-in-law; my sister was also going to Colorado from Oregon; my niece and her family; and some friends. Thankfully we were driving so we don't have plane tickets to cancel or change. Jerry is very sick and can't seem to get over whatever he has. He started feeling bad on Friday, so he spent the weekend upstairs. Our kids were coming to help surprise Betty at her birthday party. Oh, I hope they don't get this. Me, either...
Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are our Healer. You are In Control, You are Sovereign. Forgive me for doubting You. Lord, help my unbelief. Thank you for Your Abiding Presence. Please touch Jerry. All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

More party pictures

Here are some more pictures of the family surprise 80th birthday party for Betty. Jerry is sick so he sadly had to miss the party.

This is Randy and friend (sorry, I forget her name), and Rick. Randy is related to Betty through
Roger, her late husband. Rick is Betty's nephew. Rick and Randy are cousins.

Shirley, Betty's daughter, is talking to Cathy, Betty's niece. That's Bob, Shirley's husband, getting some food. Betty's kids, Shirley, Roger, Mike, David, and Sandy planned and furnished the party. It was a soup and salad luncheon. Very good. A variety of home made soup. Shirley made beautiful cupcakes that looked like flowers. I wish I'd taken a picture. Maybe someone did...

Mike, Betty's son, with Cameron, his grandson, and Betty's great-grandson. Mike's son-in-law is beside him and Ashley, his daughter, Betty's granddaughter.

Ted, Isabella and Sydney came to the party from the west side of the state. Ted is our son and is Betty's nephew. Haleigh is also in the picture, daughter of Rob and Jessica. I think our three granddaughters are Betty's grand-nieces.

Betty with Ted, Sydney, and Pam, nephew, grandniece, and niece, of Betty.

Betty just starting to open gifts. We were all asked ahead of time to buy Betty puzzles, they were kind of hoping for 80 puzzles! She got a lot of them but missed the 80 mark!

Betty still opening puzzles. Pam, Rob, Gene, and Jessica are in the picture. Pam & Gene from Chicago. Rob & Jessica from next door. Our children, nieces and nephews of Betty.

This is Grace and Jim. Grace is a cousin of Betty.

Kerry and Ryan. Grandson of Betty, son of Roger and Marie.

Lord, thank You, again for family and good times.

Family Birthday Party

These are pictures from Betty's surprise birthday party! Gene and Pam came from Chicago!
Pam is our daughter, which makes her Betty's niece.

Two of Betty's sons: Roger and David with wife, Monica.

Here she's opening our gift. A custom made puzzle of pictures of herself! Haleigh and Sydney are watching.

Betty's grandson, Ryan, and great-grandson, Joseph. Ryan is the son of Roger and Marie.

Marie and grandson, Joseph. Marie is Betty's daughter-in-law, so Joseph is Betty's great-grandson.

Olivia and Hayden, two of Betty's great-grandchildren. They belong to Roger and Liz and are the grandchildren of Roger and Marie.

The birthday girl, herself, Betty! She turned 80 today!

Bob, Betty's nephew, and Diane.

Mike, husband of Cathy, who is a niece of Betty.

Lord, thank You for family, for birthday parties, for good times.