Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dress Part II

In my last entry I wrote my feelings about dress today in the church. No, I only wrote about weekdays not Sundays! That's a whole nutter subject! I received one comment. One. It was in my favor, except I think he was writing about Sundays. So what does that mean? Well, it means I can write another blog on the subject. This will probably be my last one. 

The main point was why does the business world maintain a dress code and the church doesn't. I don't know what good it is for me to get back on my wooden crate and present my feelings again though because I'm sure none of my pastor's read my blog anyway. But this is my blog and I'll write what I want! So there!!! 

The pastoral staff is an educated bunch of people. The business world is an educated bunch of people. So where is the difference here? A dress code versus no dress code. I just don't get it. 

I know I'm not alone here but few folks are willing to speak out. I was chatting, with a long time friend, on the phone one day. We had a good time reminiscing. We hadn't been in contact for years. Just before we hung up he asked me a question. "Does your pastor dress up for Sunday morning?" I told him honestly, "Sometimes, but not always." He proceeded to tell me how his pastor dresses - jeans, t-shirt, etc. Thank goodness my pastor doesn't dress like that. In fact yesterday he had on a white shirt and tie! He looked very professional! "Thank you, Pastor." 

Pastors claim they want the people to accept them as regular folks. Of course they are regular folk but they are also called of God to a position of teaching, instructing, performing sacred rites: weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc. It is a privileged position.

Have you read in the Old Testament how God clothed the High Priests? Exodus 28 and 29. God gave specific guide lines on what they were to wear. Now I know that was thousands of years ago and we certainly don't expect our pastors to dress like that. But the fact remains, the priests were called of God and our pastors today are called of God. They are set apart. So why don't they dress like a professional person called of God? Instead they want to dress like any other person. But they're not any other person...they are called of God. 

We had the next highest person, in our denomination, come to our church to speak one Sunday a few years ago. We arrived at church a few minutes early, as usual. I greeted the guest speaker and then smiling, said, "I see you've joined the ranks of those who now dress down on Sundays." He was wearing slacks and a tight polo shirt. He replied, "Yes, I tried to think how the people here in your church would be dressed and I came dressed accordingly. Oh, I have a sweater in my car I could put on." Before I could even reply he was on his way out to get his sweater which he put on, but truthfully, it didn't help his appearance in the least.

Don't pastors know they are looked up to? Or don't they want to admit they are looked up to? Yes, they are human, they make mistakes, they put their pants on like every other person. But they have been called, set apart, by God. It's time we lay people stand up and say: dress the part. It matters.

Lord, I rest my case. I praise You because You are all knowing. You know my heart. Help me to accept what I can't change. Thank You for our wonderful pastoral staff. Help them to see how much more effective they would be if they were completely obedient to You and dressed according to their calling. Yes, I believe it does matter. Help me to live pleasing to you. Help me now to move on and do what I can to be supportive of our pastors.

Saturday, December 03, 2011


I'm so confused... Why is it that newsmen, coaches, businesses, etc. all have dress codes but pastors and their wives and newswomen  don't. I just don't get it. In fact, why don't they want to dress nicely? 

I look and feel so much better when I dress for an occasion. I used to work in schools, homes and businesses as an ESL tutor. I would never go wearing old clothes that look like I've been working out in the yard. I didn't dress up but I looked decent. 

When I walk into the church office on a week day and see pastor's dressed like they've been working out in the yard, I'm surprised,  disappointed and disgusted. What's wrong with wearing a pair of khaki pants and casual shirt? I don't get it. 

On Sundays the worship team look like they're up there for rehearsal not for Sunday worship. But what can we do? Nothing. If we complain it does no good. 

Businesses have dress codes. We, as laymen, pay our pastoral staff so why can't we impose a dress code? Well, we just can't. But I don't understand any of this. Am I alone here in my disappointed thinking?

Lord, I praise You because You are All Knowing. Forgive me if I'm being picky here and have the wrong attitude. Thank You for our wonderful pastoral staff. Help me to understand. Help me to accept these new ideas about dressing...if I'm wrong. Help them to see the error in their thinking...if they're wrong. I love You, Lord, because You are Sovereign. 

Thursday, December 01, 2011

My Heart Hurts

Today I heard of another friend dying of cancer. Her husband will be getting help from hospice very soon. She started out with breast cancer a few years ago and despite treatment it spread. Her own mother died of breast cancer 46 years ago today. She was a dear friend of mine. She left a husband and three young daughters. Now the oldest of the three girls is dying of breast cancer. She and her husband will soon be celebrating their 31st anniversary, but Cheryl only has a few months or less to live.

It's only been a couple of months ago that another friend of mine died of cancer. He and I had served closely on a conference committee. His wife and I are friends but because of working together on the committee Jim and I became close friends. We first met when we were both students at Spring Arbor College. He was a couple of years younger than I am.

Another young woman I know died just a few weeks ago, also of cancer. I knew her mother and dad more than I knew her. She's the age of some of my children and was in the Teens For Christ choir with them. Lisa was a young wife and mother.

In 1958 I met two young guys under an Oak Tree on a campground. My dad was the guest speaker at a camp and I had accompanied him and my mother and brother. One of those two young guys became my husband 52 years ago. The other one was a good friend over the years. Last spring Bob died of a stroke!

Yes, my heart hurts today. Yet, each of these four has and had a personal relationship with Jesus. I'll see them again some day, along with my dad and many more friends and relatives. It's very hard when we lose loved ones, but...we have hope...

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.  Whoever believes in him is not condemned,      John 3:16 & 17

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A New Name

We went around the dining room table, on Thanksgiving Day, each telling something we were thankful for. I was thankful for God, for my family and friends. Most were similar but in their own words. But one was a surprise to me and to everyone. Elmise, adopted daughter from Haiti, with a smile and a clear voice, said, "I'm thankful for my new name."

Surprise! We applauded. I'm still in awe. She's a nine year old granddaughter of mine. She lives next door. She's loving and kind. She's pretty. She's smart. She can also be a little sassy at times. She can be a little disobedient at times. But mostly she's a sweet, loving, young girl. She now has the same name the rest of our family has! On July 27, 2011 she was given the name Elmise Sarah ------. I just didn't know it meant so much to her. I take my name for granted. My name was written on my birth certificate when I was born.

My name is also written in the Book of Life! Someday that book will be opened and my name will be read! But it wasn't always there. It was written down when I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. Will yours be read when the Book is opened?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tomorrow I'm Going To Collapse

Today was a very productive day, I think. First of all I put steak and gravy in the oven to cook while we went to church. Oh boy, did it smell good when we got out of the car in the garage! Dinner was almost ready. But let me tell about that in a few minutes.

Have you ever gotten the urge to check something out even if it's out of your character? I noticed a couple had left the sanctuary while we were still singing. I suddenly had the urge to go check on them... Was something wrong? Did they have a problem? It really wasn't my business. Yet, I found myself telling Jerry I needed to go out. He moved out of my way and I went looking for the couple. I went clear to the back where the children were. They weren't in sight. I walked back to the foyer and there I saw them at the other end, sitting, looking very downhearted. Again...very out of character for me, I walked to them and asked, "Is everything okay?" (It really was none of my business) 

The man shook his head no. Then the woman followed, no. They began to tell me how their morning had gone. Oh dear. I suddenly felt the urge to pray with them. They both agreed to it. I put my arms around them and prayed with them and for them.

The pastor's sermon this morning was so always. Afterward the young man went to the front and I saw several men and the pastor praying and talking with him. 

Dinner was almost ready when Rob, Jessica, Haleigh, Elmise and Armon came over. Yes, I had invited them! We had a good time visiting, hearing about their cruise and seeing their beautiful tans!
The kids all hugged us like they hadn't seen us in a while! They had just spent their first night at home after staying with us for a week! Grandchildren are so wonderful!

They left and Jerry and I both laid down for a nap. The table was cleared but I insisted I would take care of the kitchen after I woke up from a much needed nap. 

Tim skyped us! What a treat! We visited for quite a while! It's so great. Skyping is a wonderful gift. 

After we said goodbye I hurried to the kitchen. I had all the clean-up still to do and company was coming at 6:00. Our small group met this evening. I was just finishing up when the first two arrived... We always have a wonderful discussion of the mornings sermon and how it applies to ourselves. Then we have a time of prayer for each other and any requests we know about. 

So tomorrow I'm going to collaspe! 

Lord, thank You for this beautiful day when we gathered together to worship You. Thank You for meeting the young couple at their point of need. Please continue to be with them. Thank You for the wonderful fellowship we had with both family and friends. Thank You for the technology so we can visit with family far away. I love You, Father.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Santa Parade Before Thanksgiving!

I love a parade! Santa parade before Thanksgiving? Today when folks shouted "Merry Christmas!" I shouted back "Happy Thanksgiving!" 

I don't think I've ever waited so long for a parade to start. We thought we were dressed warmly enough but we waited about an hour and a half in the cold for the parade to come down to where we were waiting, not so patiently any more! We were so cold. We all had winter jackets on and some had hoods but not all. Mine didn't. I was ready with my camera to take some good pictures. I did get a few, but not enough.

A group of good-hearted folks from my church go every year armed with buckets of hot cocoa! They offer it to anyone who would like to be warmed up with a good hot drink. We were close enough to be offered drinks. It was so good.

We watched the parade with some new friends, Josh, Heather and Kayden. Kayden is four and is a delightful boy. Another child is on the way. 

This afternoon Josh and Kayden came over for several hours. Kayden and Armon had a good time playing. Josh worked on my computer all afternoon! It works much quicker now, etc! Thanks so much, Josh!

I thank You, Lord, for my very good friends. The ones who passed out hot cocoa and Josh for working on my computer. Help me to be a good friend to them and to others who need a friend.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I haven't been on here in a while. I was thinking I'd quit this blog. But then just the other day I looked in on it and was amazed at nice it looked! It even asked, in so many words, to please write something new! I have another new blog at word press called

So, here goes. I have such a fear of hitting a deer with my car in the evenings that I don't drive after supper except when I have to. I'm on a committee that meets once a month in the evening...I go to that. I go to a few other events similar to that one. Otherwise I stay home after supper.

Two times in the same year I did hit a deer. Excuse me, the deer hit me, both times. Once was a few miles down the road from home. The other was way north of Midland on the expressway with a couple of friends. I was driving.

Now when I go out in evening I pray from the time I leave our driveway to where ever I'm going and then back home again. But I've been thinking about this. You see, I'm very paranoid about hitting a deer. I'm sitting very stiff, looking this way and that, sure one is about to pounce on my car. 

I'm also begging God to keep deer from jumping out of the woods into my car. But wait a minute. Yes, I'm begging Him to keep deer away but am I really trusting Him to keep them away?  

I used to be terribly afraid to drive through a storm. My former brother-in-law asked me an interesting question when we were discussing my fear. He suggested that I may have been just intensifying my fear... not really trusting God to protect us or to stop the storm.

Is that what I'm guilty of now? Instead of trusting God to keep deer away from my car, am I intensifying my fear that one is going to jump out in front of me? for thought.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart 
   and lean not on your own understanding; 

In all your ways acknowledge Him 
and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5,6

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday Sept 24

Happy Belated Birthday, Max! We sent you a card but I was gone on your birthday so I couldn't post a birthday greeting like I always do. You've gotten so tall and are so good looking. It's been over a year since I've seen you and my, how you've grown. You're so busy with school and Lacrosse. I'm very proud of you. I do hope you had a wonderful birthday. Please forgive me for being so behind with my birthday blog. I love you.
  Thank You, Lord, for Max. It seems like yesterday he was just a small boy. Now he's in high school, playing Lacrosse, driving, working. Please watch over him. Please keep him safe as he studies, works, plays. He's a good young man. Help him with the friends he makes. I love him so much and You love him even more.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Sept 23

Happy Birthday, Armon! I know this is a couple days early but I'll be out of town and no access to my computer on your birthday. It was so fun celebrating with you early. You asked for a 'horse with an Indian sitting on him' kind of cake! So that's what you got! It's hard to think that you're seven years old already! You're a fine boy! I'm proud to be your grandma! I hope you have a wonderful true birthday on Sept. 23.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Armon. Please be with him as he's growing up. Guide him, protect him, keep him healthy, help him as he learns, give him good friends. He's very active so please help him to use his energy in constructive ways. Please guide his mom and dad as they raise him, give them wisdom and patience. I love him so much and You love him even more.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Anniversary Sept 18

Happy Anniversary, Christy and Sean! My, how the years have flown by. Is this 18? Wow, what the last 18 years have brought! Among other things: five beautiful children! I don't have a recent photo of the two of you so your wedding picture is here! I love it! You are so young and beautiful...both of you. still are! I love you.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Christy and Sean. Bless them together as parents to their five beautiful children. What a responsibility. They are precious in Your Sight. Please keep Christy and Sean safe and well. Guard their marriage. Draw them to Yourself. I love them so much and so do You.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Happy Birthday September 7

Richard at the Pirate Radio station.
Happy Happy Birthday, Richard! My big brother! 77 years old and still working! I'm proud of you. I loved going to the radio station with you last spring and seeing and hearing you in action. Last year we had your Big Birthday Bash. This year all you get from me is a blog honoring you. Oh well, I still love you. I hope you have a wonderful day today.
Lord, thank You for Richard. Please be with him in a special way. Bless him as husband, father, son, brother, radio announcer, writer, friend and neighbor. Please touch his body and keep him well. I love him so much and You love him even more.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Happy Birthday September 2

Happy Birthday, Katie! I haven't seen you since your wedding but I think of you often and I pray for you. I especially prayed when Irene was passing over the east coast. South Carolina was at the southern tip, it looked like, but I still prayed. I wonder how your studies are going. I wish for you today a wonderful, relaxing day with Andrew. I love you and hope to hear from you soon.

Lord, thank You for Katie. She's a wonderful, intelligent, perfect wife for Andrew! Please watch over her as she studies and works with sharks! Keep her well, safe, happy and content. Bless her with Your Presence. I love her so much, Lord, and You love her even more.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Birthday August 30

Happy Happy Birthday, Cookie. I love this picture I took of you last year at Richard's birthday party. I think this old guy is proud to have his picture taken with you! Well, okay, I think he would be if he were alive...he looks real. You're such a good sport and you love fun. You're a wonderful sister-in-law. I'm hoping to see you next month when I come out to visit Mother and all the rest of the family in Colorado. I wish for you a great day today.
Lord, thank You for Cookie. She's a good sister-in-law. Please watch over her as she works, drives, plays, etc. Bless her with Your Presence in all the roles she has: wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, friend. I love her, Lord, and You love her even more.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Birthday August 25

Happy Birthday, Bill! I know you received a wonderful surprise visit from son, Chris, and grandsons, I'm assuming it was for your birthday! What a wonderful surprise! So your whole family is probably celebrating your big day and I hope our Mother is included in the celebration. I wish I could be there too. I wish for you a wonderful, fun, fabulous, great day today. 
Lord, thank You for Bill. He's my little brother. Please touch his body and give him relief from pain. Keep him close to You. Give the family a wonderful time of closeness this week. Thank You for giving them this time together. I love Bill and You love him even more.

Journal 8/25/11

Well, a couple of days have gone by since my frustrating blog so I need to update my journal now. 
     I went to the missions board meeting, two evenings ago, ready to resign. I told Jerry before I left this would be my last meeting to attend. 
     There was a good turnout at the meeting. Even Toby, representing the pastor's cabinet, was there. We began with prayer. Then we went into discussing our frustrations, with folks not going through the proper channels when doing what is actually good work. I gave my feelings and that I would be resigning. Toby is a gift to the missions board. He understood our frustrations, took notes and will be reporting to the pastor's cabinet.
     We moved on to the business at hand. My mind calmed down and I felt myself moving along and getting excited and involved in the business. I was at peace.
     No, I didn't resign. 
     I may even be going to a special weekend promoting a project close to my heart and certainly close to the Heart of God! It's very exciting!!!
Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are Sovereign, You are Omnipresent. Thank You for how You are working around the world. Please help me to know Your Will.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Journal 8/23/11

Whoa! Where is the summer going? September and autumn will soon be here. Autumn is actually my favorite season but I would like it to hold off a little longer. Okay...a lot longer! 

We're keeping busy here. I'm always working on the newsletter I write and am editor of. 

This evening I have a board meeting to go to. It's bitter/sweet. I've been on the missions board for years and years. We've seen changes come and go. But it seems that boards are a thing of the past. So this may be the last meeting for all of us or at least for me.
     Everything has changed in the church. There are no boards any more at all, except the missions board. We've held on because we believe in what we're doing. We're excited about what the Lord is doing around the world and we love promoting it throughout the church so everyone is aware of God's love in a hurting world. But we're being ignored and made to feel like we're in the way. It's time for a change. This is very difficult and hurts clear to the core of me but it's not worth the resentment I feel when I see and hear others promoting projects without the board's knowledge ahead of time. It's not is not being included  on the ground work. I never expected it to end like this but, I guess, life goes on.

     We've gone through many changes in the church and we've survived. In fact we're growing! I'll name a few changes here. 
     Pews have been exchanged for chairs. The pulpit has been exchanged for a little table to hold a computer. Pastors sit on a stool to deliver the sermon.
     We've gone from one pastor to four. Our senior pastor is so anointed by God. His sermons reflect this so there is no doubt that God is with him. Our other pastors are gifted men that God is using. We're blessed with our pastoral staff. 
     We have no organ or choir or song leader and very seldom have special music in our services. We have a band and two or three singers to lead us. We seldom sing hymns, mainly choruses. We have no hymnals, the words are on screens up on the platform.
     We have no Sunday School, except for the Young at Heart class because they refused to quit! It's held during 1st service, the folks attend 2nd service. Our children are not lacking in instructions. We have children's church and a Wednesday evening program that is outstanding. 
     We have no evening service, except once in a while for a special occasion. We do have small groups who supposedly meet on the first and third Sunday evenings, some have changed the times to better meet their needs.
     I grew up respecting God's House, dressing in a respectful way, not prideful but respectful. There is no respect today. Some folks look like they've been out working in the yard and at the last minute decided to come to church. Jeans, shorts, t-shirts, low cut shirts, very short skirts, etc. are common attire. Even pastors seldom dress up. Once in a while they will come wearing a tie but it's seldom. I think the pastor should set the example for dressing up, in respect for God's House, but what I think doesn't matter.
     We have no committees except for the missions board who will soon be disbanding, I fear. 
     Most of these changes have taken place over the last ten years or so. I have prided myself in that I've not resisted the changes. I've moved along with them. Jerry and I read a book together that helped us tremendously, Who Stole My Church by Gordon MacDonald. But I must admit I'm struggling with this last change. Missions has been a part of my life, my entire life! I've been a part of the missions board my whole married life, which is 52 years!
     God is good, God is sovereign, God is in-control, God is love, God is omnipresent. God is King, God is the good Shepard, God is three in one: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. God is all knowing, all seeing, all hearing. God is compassionate and kind. "For God so loved the world He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16   

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Journal 7/18/11

Oh where to begin... 

Grandma's School. Success! Armon and I worked all summer studying to bring him up to where he could be moved up to 1st grade. We made it! He was tested one day and he passed the test! We've ended for the summer but I'll continue helping him after school each day with his homework.

Plaid. He was the little Shih Tzu next door. I loved him and he loved me. I was the dog sitter whenever Rob's family went away (almost every time). Grandma S. kept him while we all went to family camp. The last time I was with him was one afternoon when Rob asked if I'd let him out about noon for a little while. They'd be back about 5:00. I did go over. Instead of tying him outside, I took him for a walk. On the way back it started sprinkling so we stopped at our house instead of continuing over to their house. He stayed all afternoon. It was delightful! He loved to sit in a chair or on a foot stool in the sun room and just look out the windows, usually falling asleep for a nap. I held him part of the time and just petted him and talked to him. It was a sweet time. I took him back home about 4:30. Little did we know that would be our last time together. This last Sunday evening he, somehow, slipped outside and no one realized it. He ran down the road and was hit by a car. I miss him so much...

Visitors. I've had two visitors recently that were very special. Philipp was a student of mine back when he was in 1st grade to about 3rd grade! Now he's a man. He wrote to me saying he was in our town working for the summer and asked if we could get together! It was great! We visited and reminisced over an American supper! He's very International! He brought pictures of his sister's wedding. She had also been my student all those years ago.
Then this week Philipp's mother came for coffee! She and Philipp's dad were here visiting Philipp for a few days. What a delightful visit we had! I got out the Bone China for coffee and cookies! 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of working with Armon. He's a bright little boy, he just needed some help getting started. Please guide him through life. Help him as he begins 1st grade.
Thank You for Plaid and for giving me that last afternoon with him. I loved him so much and even though he was a dog You cared for him.
Thank You for my friends, Philipp and Gabi. Please watch over them with all the traveling they do all over the world.  They are so special to me and even more so to You.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Silver Anniversary Aug 16, 1986

Happy Happy Anniversary, Tim and Shauna! Your silver anniversary! Can you believe it? I can't. God has blessed you. This picture is from the wedding, last summer, of Andrew and Katie. I wish we could have been to the celebration Annie and Kaleb had for you at the lake. We thought of you and even talked about you with each other and with the Lord! We're very proud of you and wish you many, many more happy years.
Lord, thank You for blessing Tim and Shauna with 25 years of marriage. Please continue to bless them. Watch over them, guard their marriage, give them good health. I love them so much and You love them even more.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Birthday August 12

Happy Birthday, Andrew! I miss you so much. I know you're very busy now as a new husband and career man, but I still miss you! I have so many wonderful memories of you as a little boy and then growing up. 

You were our very first grandchild! Oh, what a wonderful feeling came over us when you were born! Our daughter gave birth to this precious little boy who would call us Grandma and Grandpa. 

I hope you are having a wonderful day today! I wish for you the very best that life has to offer. You and Katie are a wonderful couple and I can't wait to see you again!

Dear Lord, thank You for Andrew! He's always been a delightful boy and now he's a man. A married man. Please watch over him. Help him to love and honor and worship You. Bless him and Katie together. Please keep them safe and well. I love him so much and You love him even more.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy Birthday August 10

Happy Birthday, Tyler! No, you can't be 19 already! Okay, this picture is of you at your high school graduation open house! That's the cake I made for you like a mortar board! You had another one made like a legos! Boys will be boys. It was a great open house. Now you'll soon be off to college. I can't believe that either. You have so much potential and I know you can make it! I wish for you a super great day today.

Lord, thank You for Tyler. He's a good boy and a good grandson. Please be with him as he goes off to college. He'll be a long way from home. Please keep homesickness away. Help him to do his best at his studies. Help him to make good friends. Keep him true to his commitment to You. I love him, Lord, and You love him even more.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Happy Birthday August 6

Matthew, as I prefer pictures of him!

Matthew, as he prefers pictures of him!
Happy Happy Birthday, Matthew! We only see you once in a while now that you're all grown up. We have lots of good memories though of you staying with us, camping with us, etc. I took these pictures this summer when we were at your house helping your mom and dad build their new shed. 
I'm impressed with the man you've become! You're respectful, kind, thoughtful... just the kind of man I like! I wish for you a wonderful day today. I wish we could celebrate with you!
Lord, thank You for Matthew. He's a fine young man and a grandson I'm proud of. Help him to love and honor You. Please keep him safe in whatever he does. I love him so much and You love him even more!

Friday, August 05, 2011

Journal August 5, 2011

This morning I had a procedure done at my doctor's office. I've had a growth on my tongue for a few months now so today was d-day. Doctor removed it and sent it in for a biopsy. I have a very sore tongue now but it's not bleeding badly at all. He warned me that it might. I was very nervous about it but it's all over and I'm feeling like I have a big head with a very sore tongue but otherwise, I'm okay. It's a relief to have it over. I just ate a Popsicle!  

This week has flown by. Tomorrow is my grandson's birthday, Matthew, and it crept up on me without me realizing it. Oh dear. 

I'm keeping busy this summer with Grandma's School for grandson, Armon. You can read about it on my new blog if you're interested. I've written a daily log on our progress. We're mainly working on reading to help him be ready for first grade. The encouragement I get from friends is so encouraging. My sister, Lorraine, has sent a couple of books for us to use. I appreciate her interest, suggestions, books, etc. so much. 

Okay, I'm going to lay down again for a bit. Thanks for reading.

Lord, Thank You for helping my doctor this morning. Please heal my tongue quickly. I praise You because You are my Healer.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Journal July 29, 2011

So much has happened in my life and other's lives over the last little while I must take time to journal.
We were at family camp for a week. That was so good. Every part of it...well...not the music so much. But the speakers were excellent. It was very hot all week, in the 90's. We only had one storm blow up for being so hot. 
Wednesday of this week, July 27, 2011 is a day to be remembered forever. A-Day, adoption day, finally. The court house was pretty packed with people. The judge said it had never been so packed for an adoption! She was very nice, even sweet! She had been so stubborn for so long but Wednesday she was sweet! I think we could even be friends!!! 
The lawyer talked first, Rob was given a time to talk and he did a good job, explaining how loved they have been since before they were even born, by God who had a plan for their lives. They were loved by their mother and that's why she took them to the orphanage because she couldn't provide for them. Now they are loved by he and Jessica and the rest of the family and even all their friends. Then he thanked the judge for finalizing the adoption. He did very well. I was proud of him.
Judge Allen, Jessica, Rob, Elmise, Armon
Judge Allen then explained everything and signed the documents. Elmise and Armon and Rob and Jessica all went up with the judge. She gave the kids each a special pen to keep. Rob got to bang the gavel! 
Armon signing the quilt.
In the hallway there's a quilt hanging that all adoptive kids sign their names to. Elmise and Armon both signed their names. I want to look at that quilt some time when the hallway isn't jammed with people!
After the adoption proceedings we all gathered on the hillside behind the courthouse and had a group picture taken. 
Then we made our way to Pizza Sam's about a block away for supper together. 

At 6:30 at our church we had some guest speakers, so we went right to the church. I needed to help set up, since I'm on the board for this. It was a very interesting evening. When it was over the two speakers came to our house for the night! Becca, a missionary from Asia and Pakep, a man also from Asia, came home with us. They are both lovely people, not a couple. She's older than he is. He has a wife and four children back home waiting for him. We had a room for each of them. It was so fun getting to know them. Pakep was so interested in our house and our clocks and our Dutch shoes! They were here until just before lunch time on Thursday. We had a good time with them.

Tomorrow Rob and Jessica are renewing their wedding vows, on the beach! They've been married for 151/2 years and now have four children. Ty is 18, Haleigh - 14, Elmise - nine and Armon - six, so it's actually a family day, all committing to each other. I'll report on it later, after the fact.

I'm getting sleepy and think I'll go to bed now. So good night...

Lord, how I praise You for love, joy, grace, mercy, peace. Please forgive me for being neglectful of Your promises. Thank You for all Your blessings. Thank You for families. Please be with us all tomorrow, especially Rob and Jessica as they vow to love, honor and cherish each other and the children. I love them so much and You love them even more.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Birthday July 25

Happy Birthday, Jessica! I think this will be known as the week that was! Today is your birthday and you're working! Wednesday is the Final Adoption Day, finally! Just think you'll be a forever family forever! Saturday is your wedding renewal vows day! What a week! What a day today is! I hope you know you're loved. You're a special daughter-in-law. We do love you and wish for you a very happy, happy birthday. You're a very special mom to your kids...all four of them.
Lord, thank You for Jessica. Thank You for the person that she is. Watch over her and bless her as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, nurse, friend and neighbor. I love her and You love her even more.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Birthday June 11

Happy Birthday, Gene! 7/11/11 Hmmm! I wonder if you celebrated yesterday, on the weekend, or today, on your actual birthday. You're a good son-in-law. We have some good memories with you, like going to Malaysia, helping build your shed in the back yard, the wedding last summer, and lots more. Thanks for being a good husband to our daughter and a good father to two of our grandsons. I wish for you a wonderful day today and many more years.
Lord, thank You for Gene. He's a good husband to Pam, good father to  Matthew, Andrew and now, Katie. He's a good son-in-law, husband, father, brother, son, nephew, friend, neighbor, and  an all-around good man. I love him, Lord, and You love him even more.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Journal July 7, 2011

Time to write again. So much has taken place since I last wrote. I'm still working with Armon every morning. This morning after class we went to the library with Elmise and Rob. This picture is of the kids beside two darling sculptures in the library. Armon and Elmise got their own library cards today. They're quite proud. They each got to pick out a book and a DVD movie. I also checked out an I Spy book that had been recommended to me as a helping book for Armon. He is learning but it's slow. 
Last weekend Ted, Sydney and Bella came to stay. We enjoy it so much when they come. We're kept busy but it's a good busy. We watched fire works, went swim suit shopping, went swimming and to MacDonald's, had a cook out, played ladder ball, walked Plaid, went to church, talked, etc. 
Jerry and Ted worked on the MG. It has a problem, in fact, when they went for a ride it stalled and they couldn't get it going. A young guy pulled them all the way home! They had driven up to Wixom Lake and were on their way home when it stalled. The good part was they had already been to the ice cream cone shop so they didn't have to miss out on that! That would have been horrible. They think it might be the fuel pump.
Today when I was at the library I had an interesting conversation with the librarian. She was waiting while Armon signed his name and looked at me and asked, "Do you all attend Midland Free Methodist Church?" My instant silent reaction was, what does this have to do with getting a library card? I didn't ask but said, "Well, yes, we do." Then she said she does too! I asked her name and said I'm sorry I didn't recognize her. When she said her name she also said they've been attending for about a year! I smiled and said she must go to first service. No, she said they go to second service. I was embarrassed to say I didn't recognize her. Then she said she recognized our name from the Prime Time News newsletter! I said it was good to know she reads it because I'm the editor! What a surprising conversation! We're going to look for each other on Sunday. 
Lord, I praise You because You are Omnipresent, Sovereign, Love. Forgive me for taking You for granted and for trying to do things on my own. Thank You for watching over us. Thank You for family and friends. Please help me as I work with Armon each morning. Help me to make a difference. Help him to make an effort to learn and to focus on letters and words. He's an intelligent little boy but he needs help getting started. 

Friday, July 01, 2011

Happy Birthday July 1

Happy Birthday, Vel! Another year... Can you believe it? You're a good sister-in-law to me! Thanks for all you do for my mom. Thanks for putting up with me when I come out to visit Mother, you and Bill, Lisa, Doug and Justin. I appreciate you more than you know. I hope you have a great day today, you deserve it. Just putting up with my younger brother, Bill, says you deserve it!!!
(Jerry says, "Happy birthday, Wilma!")

Lord, thank You for Vel. She's a good sister-in-law, wife, mother, grandma, daughter-in-law, aunt, sister, friend, neighbor, etc. Please keep her safe and well. Keep her trusting in You. I love her and You love her even more.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Journal 6/30/11

So much has been going on around here I've got to stop and journal. I'm tutoring Armon every morning for an hour, trying to get him ready for first grade. He's an intelligent little boy but he's very active and has a hard time focusing on the subject at hand. I do think he's improving. I just hope there'll be a difference in him when school starts. 

We have two dogs who go through our property on a regular basis now. We don't like it, but what can we do? Most people, now days,
keep their dogs tied or in a kennel. I think I know where these dogs live but I've never met the people. I love dogs, don't get me wrong. I just don't think they should be allowed to run free and make regular jaunts through our property. But what to do???

We're having beautiful weather right now. It's almost perfect! I had a doctor appointment yesterday. I'm well and fine. I do have a problem on my tongue. It's strange and I'll go back to have it looked at next month. 

Here's something so funny that happened today with the grand kids. I took them (3) to the fun zone to use up some energy. They were off playing when I saw three young black boys come running up to play. They climbed into a model truck. Armon came running to me to tell me something and noticed the three boys. When he came to me he asked why those boys were staring at him. I said something like maybe because you look like they do. He looked down at his shirt and said, "No, I don't. My shirt is different then theirs!" Ah, kids, I'm so glad color apparently means nothing to him. Me either.

A former neighbor of ours received a new heart yesterday! I wasn't even aware she needed one until I saw on facebook one day about her being in the hospital waiting for a new heart! That meant some one had to die. Well, yesterday someone did and Ruth was given her heart. So far Ruth is doing well, although it's too soon to know too much.

Lord, I praise You. Please help Armon and me with Grandma's School. Help him to be learning. Help me to be patient with him.
You know about my tongue. I praise You because You are My Healer. Please touch me. Please be with my friend, Ruth. You know all about her. Please help her to gain strength both physically and spiritually. Thank You for the new technology and capability of doctors today.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Anniversary June 27

Happy Anniversary, Andrew and Katie! It's hard to believe a whole year has gone by since your beautiful wedding. We haven't seen you since then but we know you're very busy with work and studies. I love you very much and wish for you a wonderful day of celebrating your first year together as husband and wife.
Lord, I praise You because You are the Creator. You created marriage. Thank You for Andrew and Katie. Please be with them on this special day and every day. I love them so much and You love them even more.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Birthday June 24

Happy Birthday, Miller! Fourteen years ago I flew to Birmingham, Alabama to stay with your older brother and sister for when you were born! How time flies! I'd sure like to have an ice cream cone with you! I like going for ice cream cones with you! It's sort of our thing, isn't it? I wonder how tall are you now? You were over six feet when you were here last summer! You're a fine boy and a fine grandson. I wish for you a very happy birthday, Miller.

Lord, Miller is growing up so quickly. Thank You for him. Please watch over him. Help him to develop good habits, good friends, a respect for others and a love for You. Please keep Your Hand of protection over him. I love him so much, Lord, and You love him even more.  

Monday, June 20, 2011

Awesome Good News

Armon and Elmise are about to become grandchildren! They'll soon be official. Rob and Jessica got a call this morning that the adoption will be finalized within the month! It's been over a year since they arrived in the USA! They have bloomed and blossomed! 
Thank You, Lord, for answered prayer. Thank You for these two beautiful children. Thank You for Rob, Jessica, Tyler and Haleigh who have opened their hearts and their home.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day, Jerry! You've been a good daddy to our five children and a good grandpa to our sixteen grandchildren!
This morning we enjoyed breakfast with Rob and Jessica, Haleigh, Elmise and Armon. Sausage and pancakes and fruit. It was very good. Elmise proudly made the pancakes!
For dinner I made pork loin, baked potatoes, green bean casserole, celery with peanut butter. Watermelon later... We ate dinner outside on the deck. 
It's a beautiful day! In the afternoon we went for a walk through Dow Gardens. It was very relaxing.

Lord, how I thank You for a Christian husband. His love of You shines through. As a father he was and is a shining example of what a Christian man is. Thank You.

Journal 6/19/11

Today is Father's Day. We just came home from next door where we had breakfast with son, Rob, Jessica, Haleigh, Elmise and Armon. Elmise was making pancakes when we arrived! She's a good cook! We also had sausage and lots of fruit. It was very good. They gave Dad - Grandpa candy and a picture of the four grandkids, next door. It's very nice. Pam called Jerry while we were over there. Her timing was perfect because he had just finished eating so he left the room for a few minutes to talk to her. It's a beautiful day today. 

I miss my dad. He died six years ago and I still miss him like it was yesterday. 

I was asked by a friend, just the other day, if I ever think about quitting writing the newsletter I'm editor of. This is my fifth year of writing it. I told her, when I do a bad job according to my brother, then I think maybe I should step down. But otherwise no, I'm not ready to quit yet. But, this morning, I suddenly remembered something for the newsletter, that comes out today...I never mentioned Father's Day! What on earth was wrong with me? Old age? It has to be. I always highlight any special day or holiday. Oh the poor fathers... I wonder how many folks will notice. I usually get comments when something is wrong. I wonder how many I'll get today?

Lord, thank You for my dad and my husband. They were and are special men and special dads. Thank You for creating families. Help me to know when the time is right for me to step down as editor of Prime Time News.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Helping Grandpa

Elmise is a good worker. She wanted to help wash our outside chairs. We were having company for supper and the evening. So she came over to help Grandpa scrub the lawn chairs. They were clean and dry when the first guests arrived. Click on the picture to see it close up.

Lord, thank You for good weather for our cookout with friends. Thank You for willing grandchildren to help out with big jobs.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Journal 6/15/11

I got up at 5:30 this morning, enjoyed some quiet time reading in Exodus and then Charles Swindolls remarks about it. My prayer time is mainly spent in praise because I have so many requests I don't know where to begin! I am praying for certain friends and family. A young friend wrote asking me how to know when and if God is calling him to be a missionary. I asked him some questions in return, among them: is he educationally prepared? (I know he's taking some classes) Is he a missionary where he lives and works now? (my guess is yes but I don't really know) My siblings all need prayer and my children and grandchildren. My mom...
Today Jerry and I went to the funeral of a friend who died last Friday at 91 years. It was in another town so most of our day was taken with the trip. It was near where we met 53 years ago at a camp ground. After the funeral we drove out into the country to find the old campground and we couldn't find it. We drove down several gravel roads looking for a woods with a big oak tree that looked like it could have been a camp ground but we never found it. That was a little disappointing.
I tutored Armon this afternoon instead of this morning so we could go to the funeral. It wasn't quite the same. We need to get back to our routine. First thing in the morning is best while we're both fresh. 
So tomorrow will be a new day with a new start. I can't wait.
Lord, thank You for this day. It was off kilter but still it was a day to live for You. Help me tomorrow to wake up praising You because You are In Control...even when it doesn't look like it! 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy Anniversary June 13

Happy Anniversary to Jerry and me! 52 years! I can't believe it! We had a good day today. We went to our favorite resturant for breakfast, Lanny's. We came home and I had Grandma's School for Armon. Then we drove to Frankenmuth to meet friends, Barb & Tim, at Zehnder's for dinner at noon. Barb & Tim celebrated their fourth anniversary today! Jerry had beef tips over noodles, I had crab cakes. Very, very good. Zehnder's is known for chicken but ... oh well. Then we walked all over town looking in shops. We even went to Bronner's Christmas Shop. It's open 361 days a year! We watched the German Glockenspiel, I got some good pictures of it. I'm not sure what I'll do with them though, it's such a sad story of revenge. 
Thank You, Lord, for 52 golden years! I'm so thankful for a good Christian husband. I have so much to be thankful heritage, my children, my grandchildren, my extended family, my friends, most of all my personal experience with Jesus. Thank You, thank You, thank You.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Journal 5-12-11

It's been a while since I've written here so today is a good day. This morning I went for a manicure and a pedicure, compliments of Pam! This makes me feel so good, so clean, so special! 

I had a super Mother's Day! We had breakfast with Rob's family, Rob, Jessica, Haleigh, Elmise and Armon - Tyler. Puff pancakes with sausage and peaches! Very good! We had dinner with Ted's family, Ted, Sydney and Bella . Cornish hen and salads! A surprise and so good! Supper with Pam's family, Pam, Gene and Matthew. Chinese! So delicious! All so special and all my favorites! The best part was being with three of my five children and six of my 16 grandchildren all on Mother's Day. Then I had telephone conversations with Mother, daughter, Christy, sister, Lorraine, sister-in-law Vel, and very special friend, Ramses. What a wonderful day! Thanks to all who made it special. 

I mustn't leave Tim's family out. They live in Canada so we skype and I received a beautiful card from his family.

Oh my, God is so faithful. I have had three friends on death's door this past week. Today they are all showing a little bit of improvement! All three are out of ICU. Esther is in Washington, Gerry is in Indiana and Judy is in Michigan. God is everywhere!

I praise You, Lord, because You are All Knowing and You are Omnipresent. Thank You for family and friends.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Journal June 9, 2011

I'm tutoring Armon every morning for an hour Monday through Friday, this summer. This is to help him be ready for first grade in the fall. He's a very intelligent little boy but has a difficult time concentrating on learning to read. We brought in an old school desk we've had since our own kids were kids. After cleaning it up it looks great and he's pleased to have his own special place for learning. He's here every morning right on time, sitting at his desk, ready to study. I love it.

I have two things that are really bugging me right now. One is that we had baby robins in a nest beside our front porch we were keeping track of and today... Jerry saw a lot of activity, adult robins flying in the tree and out, etc. He went out to see what the problem was...a large bird was after the babies. I don't know what the bird was, I only got a glimpse. He won. The babies are on the ground now...dead. It's so sad. 
The other thing that's bugging me...the yellow Marigolds on Eastman Avenue. We have a program of beautifying our city. A Saturday morning in May one lane is blocked off and people plant flowers all along the curb of Eastman Avenue. The city provides the flowers. Most years Petunias are planted. They are so pretty and they fill in so nicely. All summer we have beautiful colorful flowers lining the street all the way from the expressway to downtown. This year we have yellow Marigolds. I suppose they're cheaper, I don't know of any other reason to plant these in place of Petunias. I'm the only one I've heard complain about it. Do other folks really like these yellow flowers in place of the beautiful multicolored flowers?

Well, enough complaining. Let's see...there is this work in nature of keeping a balance in nature. Animals and birds living off each other. I don't like it but it's not up to me. God is our Creator and He knows best. He also created the Marigold's as well as the Petunia's. But I also have the belief that if we're going to do something, do it well. So, City of Midland, you disappointed me. But, I say, who asked me? 

Lord, I praise You because You are All Knowing. Please forgive me for complaining. Thank You for the flowers and the birds. Please be with the Robins who lost their babies today. Please help those Marigolds to bloom and blossom all summer and provide beauty along Eastman Avenue. Help me to adjust my attitude and be thankful for the flowers.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Keeping Cool

Temps in the 90's but the kids know how to keep cool. Squirt guns don't look like the squirt guns we had when I was a kid! This is Haleigh, Elmise and Armon having fun! Be sure to click on the picture to bring it up close.
Lord, thank You for fun! I love You, Lord!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Journal June 2, 2011

I'll try writing again. I got really discouraged with blogspot when I was told I couldn't put more pictures on. Why didn't they tell me there was a limit to the number of pictures? I would have been more careful to only put the best on and not so many.
     Well, I've had some things happen to me I'd like to write about. I'll start with today...would you believe I left my purse in my shopping basket at Meijer's! I didn't miss it until I got home and was unloading the purse. I ran inside to tell Jerry, then ran back out and started to back out of the garage. 
     Oh no. I forgot the back door of our mini van was still up...! It hit the garage door! I stopped quickly and in time before I did any major damage! Then I drove like mad to get back to Meijer's before someone found my cart out in the parking lot with my purse in it. I could have gotten a ticket, I'm sure, but I didn't. I got to the parking lot...on no, my cart was gone. I hurried inside and was told to go to the service desk. I did. 
     The girl asked for my name and got a smile on her face. "Is this your purse?" she asked, as she held up a small black purse with a little fuzzy monkey dangling from the zipper!
     " Oh yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you." Whoever had found it had turned it in.
     I drove home slowly, thanking God all the way for taking care of me and my purse.
Thank You, Lord, for taking care of us..of me. I realize I was careless and never should have left my purse in the shopping cart. I didn't mean to. I praise You for Your Constant Abiding Presence and Peace.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Birthday 21 of May

Happy Birthday, Sydney! Twelve years old. This is a big day. I had to wait until this evening to write this to you so I wouldn't spoil the big surprise! Well, Grandpa and I showed up...that was the first surprise! But there was more to come! You are now the owner of your own horse, Kay! There is a lot of responsibility to owning a horse but I know you can do it! The horse was a gift from your former and now again, trainer! She knew how you loved Kay! It's also from your Dad because he has to put out the money until you're old enough to help! What a big day today was! I love you, Sydney!
Lord, thank You for Sydney. She's a wonderful granddaughter. Please help her as she enters these often difficult years. Keep her close to You, help her to always live for You. Help her with her horse, Kay, that she will learn the responsibility of caring for her and also how to ride her expertly. Help her to share the fun and responsibility with Bella. It's not always easy to share but it's a necessary part of life. Please help Sydney and Bella to become and remain the very best of friends. I love Sydney and You love her even more!

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

     Happy Mother's Day, Mother! The day is almost over and I'm just now finding time to write this. I want to tell you how much you mean to me. Life wasn't easy when I was a child. Money was scarce, Dad was gone a lot, we moved often. 
     Let me explain some of this. Money was scarce back in the 40s and 50s, when I was a child. But you were so innovative! You sewed most of the clothes for Lorraine and me and for yourself! Material for dresses was often feed sacks. We, girls, would get to pick the most colorful or the best design on the feed sacks! You raised chickens and rabbits so we'd have meat to eat!
     Dad was gone a lot because for several years he was an evangelist. He traveled all over the US and Canada. 
     We moved a lot. I didn't live longer than three years in any house until after I was married! I attended nine schools before I graduated from high school! 
     But you were a trooper. You were behind Dad, encouraging him and helping him any way you could. I love you and am so thankful for you.
Lord, please bless my mom. How I thank You for her. Please continue to give her good health. Keep her close to You. I love her so much and You love her even more!