I got up at 5:30 this morning, enjoyed some quiet time reading in Exodus and then Charles Swindolls remarks about it. My prayer time is mainly spent in praise because I have so many requests I don't know where to begin! I am praying for certain friends and family. A young friend wrote asking me how to know when and if God is calling him to be a missionary. I asked him some questions in return, among them: is he educationally prepared? (I know he's taking some classes) Is he a missionary where he lives and works now? (my guess is yes but I don't really know) My siblings all need prayer and my children and grandchildren. My mom...
Today Jerry and I went to the funeral of a friend who died last Friday at 91 years. It was in another town so most of our day was taken with the trip. It was near where we met 53 years ago at a camp ground. After the funeral we drove out into the country to find the old campground and we couldn't find it. We drove down several gravel roads looking for a woods with a big oak tree that looked like it could have been a camp ground but we never found it. That was a little disappointing.
I tutored Armon this afternoon instead of this morning so we could go to the funeral. It wasn't quite the same. We need to get back to our routine. First thing in the morning is best while we're both fresh.
So tomorrow will be a new day with a new start. I can't wait.
Lord, thank You for this day. It was off kilter but still it was a day to live for You. Help me tomorrow to wake up praising You because You are In Control...even when it doesn't look like it!
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