Time to write again. So much has taken place since I last wrote. I'm still working with Armon every morning. This morning after class we went to the library with Elmise and Rob. This picture is of the kids beside two darling sculptures in the library. Armon and Elmise got their own library cards today. They're quite proud. They each got to pick out a book and a DVD movie. I also checked out an I Spy book that had been recommended to me as a helping book for Armon. He is learning but it's slow.
Last weekend Ted, Sydney and Bella came to stay. We enjoy it so much when they come. We're kept busy but it's a good busy. We watched fire works, went swim suit shopping, went swimming and to MacDonald's, had a cook out, played ladder ball, walked Plaid, went to church, talked, etc.
Jerry and Ted worked on the MG. It has a problem, in fact, when they went for a ride it stalled and they couldn't get it going. A young guy pulled them all the way home! They had driven up to Wixom Lake and were on their way home when it stalled. The good part was they had already been to the ice cream cone shop so they didn't have to miss out on that! That would have been horrible. They think it might be the fuel pump.
Today when I was at the library I had an interesting conversation with the librarian. She was waiting while Armon signed his name and looked at me and asked, "Do you all attend Midland Free Methodist Church?" My instant silent reaction was, what does this have to do with getting a library card? I didn't ask but said, "Well, yes, we do." Then she said she does too! I asked her name and said I'm sorry I didn't recognize her. When she said her name she also said they've been attending for about a year! I smiled and said she must go to first service. No, she said they go to second service. I was embarrassed to say I didn't recognize her. Then she said she recognized our name from the Prime Time News newsletter! I said it was good to know she reads it because I'm the editor! What a surprising conversation! We're going to look for each other on Sunday.
Lord, I praise You because You are Omnipresent, Sovereign, Love. Forgive me for taking You for granted and for trying to do things on my own. Thank You for watching over us. Thank You for family and friends. Please help me as I work with Armon each morning. Help me to make a difference. Help him to make an effort to learn and to focus on letters and words. He's an intelligent little boy but he needs help getting started.
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