Friday, July 29, 2011

Journal July 29, 2011

So much has happened in my life and other's lives over the last little while I must take time to journal.
We were at family camp for a week. That was so good. Every part of it...well...not the music so much. But the speakers were excellent. It was very hot all week, in the 90's. We only had one storm blow up for being so hot. 
Wednesday of this week, July 27, 2011 is a day to be remembered forever. A-Day, adoption day, finally. The court house was pretty packed with people. The judge said it had never been so packed for an adoption! She was very nice, even sweet! She had been so stubborn for so long but Wednesday she was sweet! I think we could even be friends!!! 
The lawyer talked first, Rob was given a time to talk and he did a good job, explaining how loved they have been since before they were even born, by God who had a plan for their lives. They were loved by their mother and that's why she took them to the orphanage because she couldn't provide for them. Now they are loved by he and Jessica and the rest of the family and even all their friends. Then he thanked the judge for finalizing the adoption. He did very well. I was proud of him.
Judge Allen, Jessica, Rob, Elmise, Armon
Judge Allen then explained everything and signed the documents. Elmise and Armon and Rob and Jessica all went up with the judge. She gave the kids each a special pen to keep. Rob got to bang the gavel! 
Armon signing the quilt.
In the hallway there's a quilt hanging that all adoptive kids sign their names to. Elmise and Armon both signed their names. I want to look at that quilt some time when the hallway isn't jammed with people!
After the adoption proceedings we all gathered on the hillside behind the courthouse and had a group picture taken. 
Then we made our way to Pizza Sam's about a block away for supper together. 

At 6:30 at our church we had some guest speakers, so we went right to the church. I needed to help set up, since I'm on the board for this. It was a very interesting evening. When it was over the two speakers came to our house for the night! Becca, a missionary from Asia and Pakep, a man also from Asia, came home with us. They are both lovely people, not a couple. She's older than he is. He has a wife and four children back home waiting for him. We had a room for each of them. It was so fun getting to know them. Pakep was so interested in our house and our clocks and our Dutch shoes! They were here until just before lunch time on Thursday. We had a good time with them.

Tomorrow Rob and Jessica are renewing their wedding vows, on the beach! They've been married for 151/2 years and now have four children. Ty is 18, Haleigh - 14, Elmise - nine and Armon - six, so it's actually a family day, all committing to each other. I'll report on it later, after the fact.

I'm getting sleepy and think I'll go to bed now. So good night...

Lord, how I praise You for love, joy, grace, mercy, peace. Please forgive me for being neglectful of Your promises. Thank You for all Your blessings. Thank You for families. Please be with us all tomorrow, especially Rob and Jessica as they vow to love, honor and cherish each other and the children. I love them so much and You love them even more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a special day, A day was. You have such a wonderful family. The renewing of vows sounds beautiful. You do well to keep up with all these activities of the family. Love to you all.