Friday, May 30, 2008

This and that...

It's raining today. Yesterday afternoon we planted flowers, tomato and pepper plants...just in time for the rain today. Good timing! Is it my imagination or are the flats flowers come in smaller this year? Has anyone else noticed this? I'd like to get a few more to plant but we'll see. I planted Impatiens, Geraniums, Petunias, plus two hanging baskets of Petunias. Jerry planted the vegetables. We're both looking forward to BLT's! He told me to buy two tomato and two pepper plants. Well, I bought two of the containers of each! So we've got eight tomato plants and eight pepper plants! Oh boy, I hope you come to visit! We usually have friends and neighbors who give us bags of tomatoes too so we'll have plenty!

I've got the next Prime Time News ready for print. This afternoon I'm going for another interview...a highlight in my life as editor! This job, if it can be called a job, is a gift from God! If you take the newsletter and notice some improvements, thank my big brother! He's helping me, big time!

I'm doing some heavy house cleaning, because it's spring and because we've got company coming! Yea, all our kids and grandchildren are coming! I really can't wait. I still have lots to do to get ready but it's coming. Our new queen size bed arrived so we're all set up in our guest room. It looks good! I'll post pictures later.

Thank you, Lord, for rain and for flowers and veggies. Thank you for gifts from God and for brothers who see a need and risk helping. Thank you for company and incentives for cleaning!

1 comment:

carole said...

What do you mean.. interview?? Do you write for a paper?? Getting a new job?? How many of your family are coming?? Quess I'm not " up on things"... We are finally at Brown City Missionary Camp. Work begins Monday... Carole