Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sun Rise/Sun Set

Last summer we were in Saskatchewan for the whole month of July. I would wake up at 5:00 a.m., because of the time change, and watch the sun rise in the east. Then in the evening I would watch the sun set in the west. Only in Saskatchewan is there such a view!
This picture one I took last summer over Last Mountain Lake. I love it. The sun rise and sun set were both beautiful and I sensed God with me as I marveled at the beauty. For a thousand years in Your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. Psalm 90:4


Anonymous said...

This picture is much better than the Rock in Castle Rock.

Anonymous said...

How lovely! I remember the awesome view when we visited up there. Thanks for the reminder. Are you going up again this year for a few weeks?

Anita said...

We'd love to but I don't see how we can.