Saturday, May 10, 2008

Coffee is ready!

This is cottonwood season! We've had cotton blowing in the air for several days now. But this morning I don't see any in the's all on the ground! It looks like it snowed over night! I hope this is the end of it.

The robins built up the nest in the tree beside the front porch. When the mourning doves had it it was really quite flimsy! Now it's a sturdy well built nest! But, we haven't seen the robins since yesterday morning! They seem to have abandoned it! It's so strange! We haven't bothered them, watching mainly from inside the house.

We had a friend come yesterday afternoon to visit the sick!!! (Jerry) We invited her to stay for supper, which she did. It was very nice of her to come. We love company! Come again! And, the rest of you, come and visit! Coffee or tea, we're always ready! And...we just might invite you to stay for supper!

And let us conder how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrew 10:24-25.

1 comment:

carole said...

Hi.. We may take you up on your invitation this summer... I'd LOVE to see your log home.. What does Jessica do at Northwood? Tim taught there for 7 years..