Sunday, May 04, 2008


This evening was our small group meeting time. We thought about cancelling because Jerry's not well, although if he just sits he's feels fine, so we didn't cancel. I haven't written about him because he didn't want to become a spectacle. But we had a serendipity this evening and he has given me permission to write about it. About three years ago he had some problems and ended up having a stent put into one of his arteries that was 99 per cent clogged. Well, he's having the same kind of problems now only worse. After our kids got after me I finally called his cardiologist...yes, Jerry's got problems. Tues. he goes in for a MRI stress test on his heart. The doctor said he doesn't think it's a problem with his arteries this time, it seems to be a problem with his heart. So now let me get to the serendipity! Six of us met tonight and were just getting started when Donna spoke up and said the Lord had been speaking to her all day telling her that we need to lay hands on Jerry this evening and pray for him! Wow! She knew she had to be obedient so even though she's usually rather quiet, she said she had to obey what God was telling her! So we all gathered around Jerry and placed our hands on him as he knelt at the little table in the living room. Then we prayed. God's presence was very real. Where two or three are gathered in My Name there am I in the midst. I don't know the reason why Donna felt this way. I'm not saying Jerry is healed of his heart problem, although he might be! With God all things are possible! What I am saying is, God was here. I'm very calm now, I was very stressed out. Jerry feels much calmer too, he knows God is in control. We both feel very blessed to have had this expereince this evening. Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are our Healer. Thank you for our small group. Thank You for Donna's obedience to You. Thank You for serendipity times. I love You.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! I am so glad Donna spoke up and that you both feel calm and at peace with whatever happens next week.