Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Five Things That Make Me Smile!

The daughter of a friend and fellow blogger, Carole, gave a challenge to post 'five things that make me smile'. I think she meant for her family to pick up on this but as I thought about it I decided to join in too. Five things that make me smile...no way can I limit this to five! I've got 13 grandchildren and 2 more coming. So I'm going to make this an on-going project! Jerry makes me smile! He has put up with me for almost 49 years!

This is my mom being loved on by teddy bears! Mother is 94 years old and she still makes me smile!

I took this dahlia with a bee last summer on Dahlia Hill. I love it and smile every time I see it.

Bella and Syd with their bright smiles and bright wigs!

This Eastern Bluebird, along with three others, ate the tiny sour apples from our Flowering Crabb Tree in March. They visited us for about a week. I smile whenever I look at this picture.

So there you have my first installment of Five Things That Make Me Smile! Anyone else up to taking up the challenge?
Heavenly Father, I am so blessed! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Anonymous said...

Jerry always meade me smile. The first time I met Jerry I liked him and he made me smile.

Anonymous said...

Interest list - thanks! I agree with your choices. I'll have to think about this for my five.

Anonymous said...

I like that picture of Jerry.

Dillehay said...

I am Carole's daughter-in-law and I wanted to pop over to see your 5 things. It was fun to read them and I have spent a lot of time this morning reading your blog. Very interesting.

I love how you end every post with a prayer. I may have to copy that.

Tabitha Dillehay

carole said...


I have not been near my computer since Monday so just read your blog.. Your list of 5 is very good and I liked it that Tabitha, my daughter in law, wrote to you, too. We have been visiting with Chuck and Sue H. in S. Bend on Monday.. Had a GREAT time!! We are now in Michigan.. First time since last Sept.. Carole