Thursday, November 13, 2008


This is one of those mornings when I can't hardly move! Let me answer some questions that have been asked in comments to various blogs. #1 Wordless Wednesday - I was asked if the wheelbarrow pictures were both taken this year. Yes, they blooming photo was taken in August; flowers dead photo was taken after a heavy frost. #2 Wordless Wednesday - I was asked what I was drinking. Is there anything else to drink besides coffee in the morning? And, by the way, excuse me a minute while I go fill up my cup...I'm back. Ahhhh! #3 I was asked if I was using my wireless router sitting there on the sofa. Well, no, my high speed Internet is hooked up there so this is the only place I can be on line. It's not bad...however, I'm waiting on my friend to find time to come and help me get the wireless router hooked up. Begger's can't be choosy! #4 Did I forget veteran, Sean? Yes, I did...thanks for the reminder. I've added him. He was in the army and stationed in Korea twice, but thankfully, there was no war going on.
Lord, thank you for questions that tell me folks are interested in my simple life. Life would be pretty dull without friends. Thank you, Lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least you have the high speed internet and I'm sure you'll be wireless in no time. Until then I think your internet spot is very comfy!

If I want to drink something warm in the morning I'll have hot chocolate. Coffee smells good to me, but I don't care for the taste.