Sunday, June 29, 2008


What a day! We started out with an excellent service this morning. with our assistant pastor speaking. Today was his last Sunday with us. I think I've mentioned before that he and his family are moving north where he'll be a senior pastor. It's sad for us but good for them. That churches gain is our loss. We're good friends and so glad for e-mail. He asked to stay on the e-mailing list of the newsletter so they can know what going on here in their old church.

This afternoon we went to a missions service of several folks who've recently been to a mission field. Jamaica and Haiti were the two countries featured. It was very good and very informative. There was also a good turnout, expecially for Sunday afternoon. Rob, our son, told about his recent trip to Haiti to meet Elmise and Armon, the two children they're adopting. He did good.

Then this evening we went to the community hymn sing. It's every time there are five Sundays in a month, so the next one will be in August. It's made up of many denominations. It was a very enjoyable evening of singing hymns, listening to instrumental music, and special singing. Afterwards there is a fellowship time with coffee and cookies.

Thank you Lord, for a good day. The good Christian fellowship we've had today has been very good. Thank you for Pastor Shane, Mary, and Hannah and for the years they've lived here. Thank you for our friendship.
Thank you for the service this afternoon, especially for helping Rob, but also for helping the others who shared too.
Thank you for the good hymn sing we went to this evening. I like the choruses we sing now days but it's so good to sing the old hymns too. We feel so blessed as we sing and listen to the special music. We are truly worshipping You.

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