Yes, it's a blue Monday. I'm working at lifting my spirits, but it's not an easy thing to do. I've been talking to the Lord and that helps a lot. I have so much to be thankful for. It's a beautiful, fresh, sun shiny day, after storms in the night and more storms predicted for this afternoon and evening. We lost about five trees last night, we think most of them were already dead and needed to come down any way. We also lost our power for a while in the night, I'm not sure how long it was off.
Jerry and I are reading another book together. This time we're reading Backyard Dwellers / An Adventure in Freedom by David Kessler. It's a very good book, I've read it once, and it had a big influence on the freedom I now enjoy. Maybe I'll tell you about it some day, but don't hold your breath! Maybe I won't.
My mom is now in a home in Colorado, which may have something to do with my blue mood. I've talked to her a couple of times and she seems content. Her mind is still very good but she needs more care for her physical body than Bill and Vel can give her. The people in the home seem to be pleasant and caring, what more can I ask?
Our assistant pastor is moving. He announced it last evening in a meeting. He had already told me because we have a very close relationship and he didn't want me to hear it in a meeting. I've been waiting til now to talk about it. He's a wonderful young man so on fire for the Lord. He's full of fun but, at the same time, has such a depth to him, he amazes me. He'll be appointed as a senior pastor to a church that is fortunate to get him. He's definitely ready to move on to a position of senior pastor. He has a wonderful wife and a darling, sweet little daughter. I hope his new church will learn to love him as I have. I have assured him, he and Mary will always be in my prayers.
Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are Love, You are Sovereign, You are In Control. Please forgive me for taking You for granted, for taking my eyes off You. Thank you for keeping us safe last night in the storms. Thank you for my mom. Thank you for being with her in these moves she's made recently. Thank you for Pastor Shane. Thank you for the close relationship we have with each other. Thank you for the years they have lived here and served as assistant pastor. Please continue to be with my mom. Keep her close to you. Please be with Pastor Shane and Mary as they prepare to move. Help them as they take on a whole new position of service to You. Please help me to look to You for strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 8:10 I love You, Lord.
I am a little bit blue myself so I can relate....the weather is affecting my has not been nice here at all and now it seems most of the days that should have been summer are gone and we are 1/3 through those days....good weather hurry up and get here!!
"Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits--who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your lfe from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's." Psalm 103:1-5 NIV
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