Sunday, August 03, 2008

Small Group Cookout

We had a wonderful day yesterday at the home of Larry and Rose. They had invited our small group to a cook out...and what a cook out! Rose is holding up two shish-ka-bobs, mmmmmm, were they good! Then we had all the dishes to go with them: potato salad, veggie salad, fruit salad, corn bread, corn on the cob, plus more. We had blueberry pie and ice cream for dessert. Photo #2 shows all of us eating the blueberry pie made by Linda and home made ice cream made by John! Going around the table is Jerry, Larry, John, Rose, Donna, & Linda.

Picture #3 is Larry, Jerry, and John relaxing before dinner. They reluctantly moved over in a row so I could get a picture of the three of them! Picture #4 is Donna. We had a lot of fun after dinner playing the game you can see on the left. Donna is so fun and a good sport! The guys won both games but they were close! Lord, thank You for our good friends, and our small group where we are all growing spiritually. Thank You for the good relaxing time we had yesterday. Help us today as we go to church and, as a body, worship You.

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