Saturday, August 02, 2008

Saturday Morning News

Ah, Saturday morning.
Tim and Shauna, Annie and Kaleb are back in Malaysia safely. It's such a long way away. They are in the Lord's will, and that's what matters. We have our tickets to go to Kaleb's high school graduation in May! That's exciting!
Rob and Jessica, Tyler and Haleigh are back home safely from a vacation.
My dog sitting days are over. I enjoyed it but all good things must come to an end. I'm going to miss my little buddy although he lives close by so I can see him often.
Today our small group is getting together at the home of Larry and Rose for a cookout. It'll be fun. I'll take my camera, of course!
It's another beautiful day. I have the newsletters all printed out and ready. They've also been sent by e-mail.
Our friend, who is also our daughter's father-in-law, had a stroke and is in our prayers constantly; also his wife.
Ah yes, Saturday morning. I have much to do.
Thank You, Lord, for Saturday's. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

1 comment:

carole said...

How do we get to get your newsletter on the internet?? Our address is Carole .. We would sure enjoy reading it...