Friday, August 08, 2008


What an interesting day! 08/08/08! It'll never be this again. What a great day for the Olympics to begin. I can hardly wait for tonight! 8:08 PM. I always watch as much Olympics as I possibly can. I'm always sad when it ends.

Early this morning I heard an aggressive animal overtake a smaller animal. I don't know what either were, but the larger one had a fierce growl and the smaller one had a pitiful cry. One of the bad things of country living and living in the woods. I know it's the balance of nature but I still don't like it.

Heavenly Father, today is an interesting day filled with the excitment of the Olympic's games beginning. Please be with each participant. Please keep drugs out. Help the games to be fair. Keep everyone safe. It's a wonderful time of all nationalities coming together. Please be with the ones who know You personally, help them to shine out with Your Love.


carole said...

Did you read my info about why the Chinese chose 8-08-08 for the beginning of the Games?? It is a "lucky" number for the Chinese.. Guess it starts at 8:08PM.

Anita said...

Yes, I did, Carole. It's interesting!

Dillehay said...

I like your new header.

I am very excited about the Olympics! We are eating Chinese for dinner, just to get ready!


Anonymous said...

Today in Taiwan is Father's Day. The sounds of the words (8th month and 8th day) is baba which sounds like papa in Chinese.

Today I attended the swearing in ceremony for new American citizens and the man emphasized that it is 8/8/08 and a special day for them.

ruth said...

Hi Anita,
I was just catching up on reading your your family picture on the top! I too enjoyed watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics, not sure what they can do to top it, so precise and perfect costumes, etc. wow I was in awe!
Have a great day! We're headed to Six Flags with the junior high youth, fun in the sun:)