Saturday, August 30, 2008
Happy Birthday
Friday, August 29, 2008
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
I was asked about this book after I mentioned it in a blog so I thought I'd write a little more about it, in case someone else is interested in it. It's a fascinating book. Jerry and I just sit, for a few moments after reading, just soaking it in! Then we begin discussing what we've just read.
Men go abroad to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the river, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering. St. Augustine
This is so true, we take our bodies for granted. I don't think I will ever again after reading this book. It helps to read it with Jerry because we discuss it together and ask questions, etc.
There is so much I want to write about it but I don't know where to begin or how to do it justice. It's quite deep but yet it's written in such an interesting way we want to keep reading. I said in a blog we can only read a section of each chapter at a time because we can't comprehend any more in a day. We simply marvel at what we've just learned!
For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13 & 14
Thursday, August 28, 2008
This and that
Jerry and I have been walking everyday this week. He's gone this morning to visit his friend, Lin, so I haven't decided if I'm going walking today or if I'll take a day off too!
After lunch I'm going to town to order our cable bundle! Then we'll buy a box so we'll have wireless Internet! I can't believe it! I'll let you know when it actually happens.
Jerry and I are still reading Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Dr Paul Brand and Philip Yancey. It's deep but because we've gone through so much with Jerry, physically, it keeps us interested and reading. We can only read one short section at a time though because our minds can only digest so much at a time.
Lord, I praise You because You are the Creator! You created everything that has been created. I don't understand it but I believe it!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
We have an apple tree close to our deck in back that's covered with sour apples. Jerry brought a few in so I could take a picture of them. Something or someone got into the tree and ate a lot of apples or should I say ate lots of half apples! We don't think it was deer, they would eat the whole apple. I'm guessing a raccoon. I can see them being wasteful and eating just half, throwing it down and picking another one, then repeating the process.
I called Bill and wished him a happy birthday. I had a nice visit with both Bill and Vel.
Yesterday we had a nice phone visit with Tim, all the way from Malaysia!
Are we getting old or what?! Last evening Joan called and was surprised when I answered, she said she was just going to leave a message for us but then I answered. Where did she think we'd be? Where we intended to be but forgot!!! The Community Hymn Sing! I can't believe we forgot it. I even put it in the newsletter! We had gone for a ride in the afternoon in the MG and stopped at Betty's (Jerry's sister) to visit. Then we came home, went for ride with Tyler and Rob in Tyler's first car! Neither one of us thought of the hymn sing. I was so disappointed, I had even requested a solo by a beautiful singer and she was scheduled to sing! I'd better change the subject...I'm getting upset with myself again.
Jerry and I went for a walk this morning. We've got to get in shape for our trip to Malaysia next year! Lord, I praise You because You are In Control. Help us as we age. We're not really old yet. Keep us well and close to You.
Happy Birthday
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Repeat Performance!
Dahlia Hill
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Pikes Peak

Friday, August 22, 2008
Is it really Friday?
I'm helping Rob & Jessica with a silent auction on Sept. 13. This week I've gone to several businesses to ask for donations for the auction. It's kind of a scary thing to do but, hey, they can't do any worse than say NO! No one has said NO! I've gotten donations everywhere I've gone so far. PTL! Folks are very interested in the adoption and are very willing to help out. I have a couple more places to go to today. Next week I'll hit the streets again! Most businesses are giving gift certificates and that's okay. It's good for the auction and it's also good for the business because it'll get the people who buy the certificate into their business and, who knows, they might see something else they want to buy!
Last night I talked to Lorraine again for over an hour! I called her but because she has unlimited long distance she called me back and saved me some time on my calling card. We had a good visit. We always reminisce about our childhood. We always fill each other in on forgotten details. I'm always left with warm, fuzzy feelings!
We're looking into getting cable, which will give us cable TV, unlimited long distance phone, and Internet. But because I have a lap top computer it's complicated, and also because our TVs are old. Nothing is simple in this day and age.
My pastor is now a blogger! On my list of bloggers his is called Friday Thoughts. If you are interested just click on that and it will come up! Then you can add it to your favorites if you want.
Okay, it's time to get going for the day. I praise You, Heavenly Father, because You are Sovereign. Forgive me for taking You for granted. Thank You for Pastor Dave's blog. Thank You for the privelege of going to all these businesses to ask for donations. Help me to do my best. Help me to show a Christian spirit. Please guide Jerry and me as we look into getting cable. Give us wisdom. I love You, Lord.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Canoe Trip
It was a sunshiny morning, crisp cool air at 9:30, when we arrived. We got in our canoe and were just getting settled and ready to paddle down stream...ooohhh, nnnooo! Here we go!!! We found ourselves in the water! We had hit a very large rock partially covered with water! Over we went! Luckily I had put my camera and cell phone in a zip lock bag in my camera case which was hanging around my neck! (We're now drying everything in Jerry's wallet, dollar bills, cards, pictures, etc.) Of course we were both soaked! The canoe was half full of water and had to be tipped up to drain. I couldn't help so Penn got out of their canoe and helped Jerry, it was a difficult job. There were three other canoes but on one else helped. They just stared at us! I had a box of Cheez It's and a box of Wheat Thins, the crackers were okay because they were sealed in plastic bags, the boxes were ruined.
So, okay, we'll start again. There were lots of large rocks we had to watch out for and the river was very shallow so we often scraped bottom! It was hard to relax and enjoy the scenery because we were watching out for rocks. We didn't want to tip over again!
Finally about half way down the river we were able to relax and enjoy the ride. It turned out a very nice day, quiet, and very relaxing, just going down the river with mainly trees on both sides of the river. Sometimes we were with Penn & Joan and sometimes we were by ourselves, just relaxing and enjoying each other's companionship. Of course we were still soaking wet! The sun was trying to dry us off. I got warm enough I very carefully took off my long sleeved shirt. I say very carefully because I didn't want to rock the canoe! I was actually paranoid. I was afraid to reach for the bag of snacks and water bottles, I might rock the boat! I was afraid to get my camera out...I might rock the canoe and lose my camera! So no pictures of the beautiful scenery, or of our friends in their canoe! Actually, I did take a chance near the end of our ride. I got my camera out and quickly took a picture of them, but in my hurry, and with the sun shining in my face, I couldn't see, so I cut their heads off! It's a nice picture of two headless canoe ers! I won't post it!
We passed the other folks in their canoes, we didn't know them, and one of the women said to me, "I'll bet this is your last canoe ride!" I replied, "Well, I don't know." She really made me mad. Just because we tipped over as we were starting out, does that mean we should quit? I think not. What would life be if we quit every time we fell down? I believe in getting up and keeping on...
Lord, thank you for today. Thank you for friends. Thank you for the beauty of the trees, flowers, butterflies and birds, the river, the beautiful blue sky, the quietness. Thank you for keeping us safe, and for giving us the desire and strength to keep going. I love You, Lord.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Answering a question with a question!
Let's have a visit!
I wrote a blog about making a mistake helping Sydney start her own blog. We did call her mom before we finalized it. Well, now I'm not sure it was a mistake. When she blurted out to Isabella, "No, I'm in Grandma's world now. I'm a blogger!" I thought, on no, what have I done? But now as I read her blogs I see that she's being able to write her thoughts and her emotions. That's a good thing. The bad part will be when she coaxes her dad to take her to the library so she check for comments and write a new blog! Other than that, I'm very proud of her. She asked me if it would be okay for her to end her blogs with a prayer the way I do. Yes, I'm very proud of her.
Last evening was small group meeting time. There were seven of us. Two brought dessert! We always have prayer, do a study and discussion on the pastor's sermons, take requests and pray again; that takes an hour or a little longer, then we have coffee, dessert and visit for as long as we want. We had a good discussion of the last two sermons from our pastor. Let me tell just about one thing. He gave us such a good word picture. Pastor Dave said if God was picking a team He'd pick me first, or you first! Then he told about how in grade school when his class played kick ball they would line up along the wall and the two captains would pick their teams. He was usually one of the last ones to be picked. We could all identify with this, but then he said, God would pick me or you first! Think about it! I don't understand how He could pick all of us first, but that doesn't matter, I don't have to understand. Just knowing He loves me enough to pick me first is so refreshing. And knowing that He loves you enough to pick you first tells me He's not partial. He loves us all...enough to die for us.
I got my feelings hurt the other day (I'm not going into detail here) but I had a hard time getting over it. I lost the joy. It's strange how some one's words and/or actions can turn a persons mood, outlook, actions, etc. I see now that I was looking only at myself. I was hurting but the person who caused the hurt wasn't suffering anything. That person wasn't even aware I was hurt. So what good did it do me to carry this hurt and resentment! I've given it to the Lord, my eyes are back on Him where they should have been all along. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His Glory and Grace.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
My Favorite Painting!

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Happy Anniversary
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Lord, it's so good to have friends. Thank you for this blessing.
Olympic Swimmers
My Big Mistake!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Kid's Day # 2
All three girls also went in the House of Mirrors.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Kids Day
#3 is a dragon, all three are there but you can only see Sydney and Haleigh.
Happy Birthday
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Happy Birthday
Thank you, Lord, for Tyler. He's a good kid. Please keep him trusting in You. Thank You for the missions trips he's been on. Guide him as he goes through life. You love him, Lord, and so do I.
Sami. She was my only student and when she ended 5th grade she asked if I was going to mentor a new student. Then she asked me not to. She was being very possessive and wanted to know I wouldn't be having fun with someone else! Sami and I had our up's and down's. We had mostly up's. We had lots of fun together. A few times she came over for the night. She always brought one of her sisters with her. I'm telling you all this because I want to show you what a closeness we shared. She's a teenager now and I had pretty much lost touch with her. Now I'm asking if you'll help me pray for Sami. I heard this morning that she has run away and no one has heard anything from her in eight months! Oh, my heart goes out to her. She's from a very large family, you know the kind: his kids, her kids, their kids. I know her dad tries but without the Lord, well...
Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are Omnipresent. You know where Sami is, I don't and her family doesn't. Forgive me for losing touch with her. Thank You for the years of friendship we had when she was just a girl. Please be with her right now. Help her to remember the times we talked about God and the times we prayed together before she went to sleep when we had sleepovers. Most of all reveal Yourself to her and help her to respond to You. I love You, Lord, and I am so thankful I have You to trust in. Lord, I place Sami in Your Care. Please watch over her.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Our girls
#1 & 2
Lord, You are the Creator. I praise You. You love the Chinese people, You created them. You saw the beauty of last night. Help these Olympic games to be to Your Honor and Glory.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Early this morning I heard an aggressive animal overtake a smaller animal. I don't know what either were, but the larger one had a fierce growl and the smaller one had a pitiful cry. One of the bad things of country living and living in the woods. I know it's the balance of nature but I still don't like it.
Heavenly Father, today is an interesting day filled with the excitment of the Olympic's games beginning. Please be with each participant. Please keep drugs out. Help the games to be fair. Keep everyone safe. It's a wonderful time of all nationalities coming together. Please be with the ones who know You personally, help them to shine out with Your Love.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Here and now
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Happy Birthday
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Good Report!
Andrew and Katie!

From the Free Methodist Board of Bishops: "There is a pressing need for a great chorus of prayer from a people called Free Methodists." At the end of August a delegation from the FM World Conference, Bishop Elie (Burundi), Bishop David (North America), Bishop Keith (Canada) and Superintendent Allan (United Kingdom) will travel to Rwanda to appeal for Rwandan Bishop Philemon release from prison. "We are calling on all Free Methodists everywhere to pray for the release of Bishop Philemon and for God's favor on the World Conference delegation."
Thanks so much.
Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are Omnipresent. Forgive me for my lack of prayer for forgotten folks who are in prison. Here is a wonderful Christian leader in prison in Rwanda. I'm sure there are others. Thank You for their lives. Thank You for their lives and for the dedication to You. Thank You for blessing them with Your Presence. Please be with these leaders of the church as they go to make an appeal for Bishop Philemon release from prison. May this be done for Your Glory.
Monday, August 04, 2008

Guys and their toys!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Small Group
This evening was small group night. Seven of us met, the same as enjoyed the day yesterday. We had a very special time this evening discussing the sermon of last Sunday and today's sermon. They were both excellent. I wish I could go over them in this blog but it would take too much time. Today was a special day at our church because it was Pastor Eric's first Sunday with us. He is very musical and his wife is a good singer too. But the pastor's sermon was the highlight of the day. He began by talking about the ACTS of Prayer: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Adoration or praising Him for who He is brings us into the Presence of God. Confession puts us into a right relationship with God. Thanksgiving is for all the many things He has given to us and done for us. Supplication is bringing my requests to God. Then Pastor Dave began untying his shoe (I thought it was bothering him!) No, he took his shoes off and put on combat boots! He then talked about being ready for battle, spiritual battle. Sometimes we have to stand firm and be tough in order to stay and be used by God. Then he took off the boots and put on slippers! He talked about being quiet and intimate with God. Last he put his shoes back on ready to go and live life as everyday, staying close to God and being ready to put on the combat boots and the slippers as needed. What a great way to illustrate how the life of a Christian should be. Then we all took Communion. What a wonderful worship service. So this evening we had really good discussion in our small group. I feel like we're all growing spiritually. I praise You, God, because You are Sovereign. You are Love. You are Peace and Joy. Forgive me for taking You for granted. Thank You for Your patience with me. Thank You for dying for me. Thank You for our small group. Thank You for the closeness we feel to each other and especially to You. Help each one of us to grow closer to You in our ways. Be with our pastor's and their families. Continue to speak through Pastor Dave so we will grow closer to You.
Small Group Cookout
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Saturday Morning News
Tim and Shauna, Annie and Kaleb are back in Malaysia safely. It's such a long way away. They are in the Lord's will, and that's what matters. We have our tickets to go to Kaleb's high school graduation in May! That's exciting!
Rob and Jessica, Tyler and Haleigh are back home safely from a vacation.
My dog sitting days are over. I enjoyed it but all good things must come to an end. I'm going to miss my little buddy although he lives close by so I can see him often.
Today our small group is getting together at the home of Larry and Rose for a cookout. It'll be fun. I'll take my camera, of course!
It's another beautiful day. I have the newsletters all printed out and ready. They've also been sent by e-mail.
Our friend, who is also our daughter's father-in-law, had a stroke and is in our prayers constantly; also his wife.
Ah yes, Saturday morning. I have much to do.
Thank You, Lord, for Saturday's. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Friday, August 01, 2008
This picture of them, as you can see, was at Andrew's college graduation last December. They make a very nice couple! Heavenly Father, thank You for Andrew and Katie. Bless them and guide them as they make plans to begin their lives together.