Well, hello! I just need to write a bit with no pictures, just put down my thoughts. Last Sunday was a super Sunday. It was the first Sunday of family camp, Pastor Dave preached and did a splendid job! His sermon was Like Christ in my Attitude. I'd better stop right here and say that I went to camp with a kind of bad attitude! You see, we always have special speakers for camp and they are always so good. But this year, pastors in the conference were scheduled to speak each evening. Oh man, was I disappointed! I didn't have a very good attitude! Well, Pastor Dave set the bar very high the very first day! The topics for the rest of the week were: Like Christ in my Impact; ...in my Honesty; ...in my Openness; ...in my Obedience; An Atmosphere of Christ. A different pastor each evening. I must say it was a very good week! My attitude was changed...
Mornings we heard Troy and Angela during the missions hour. They were excellent! I have a very deep respect for them. Dr. Bruce led the Bible study each morning and he was excellent, too. I walked home each noon feeling so enriched. He's the senior pastor in Lansing.
I actually had several folks ask me if our pastor always preaches like he did Sunday morning or if it was just an unusually good sermon because he was in front of the whole camp! I assured them he always preaches that good! We are fed spiritually every Sunday. I thank God for Pastor Dave.
There were six of us, in our small group, there on Sunday so we decided to meet and discuss the morning sermon. We had a very good, lively discussion. Pastor Dave had printed copies of his sermon available for anyone so we had those to refer to; there were also questions at the end for discussion. What more could a small group ask for?!
Jessica brought the bags we had worked so hard making and I advertised and showed them off to anyone interested. Also the fake Oakley sunglasses. I actually made $340.00! This all goes in the adoption fund. We showed pictures of the children and Rob & Jessica & kids to all who came, and they were all so interested. Some made donations.
You can pick up on the friends, activities, etc. on my blogs. Oh yes, about half way through the camp I found out that the camp office has wireless internet!!! Yeah! I went up afternoons and checked e-mail and blogs and wrote a few blogs myself. It's so good to have a lap top computer!
Thank You, Lord, for family camp! While it's so different from camp meeting, that I grew up attending, it's relevent to our lives today and very worth while going to. Thank You so much.
Thank You for the pastor's who spoke each evening. Thank You for the missionaries and the Bible study leader. Thank You for the fellowship we had with friends, young and older. Thank You for my personal relationship with You.
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