Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Tyler is going on a missions trip to Honduras. He's trying to earn money for expenses so we hired him to help me rake our lawn. He's 15 years old and would much rather be off doing something other than raking leaves with Grandma! He came over after school yesterday and today and we got it all done! Jerry took pictures of us. Thank you, Lord, for Tyler. Thank you for giving him this desire to help others. Thank you for this opportunity for him to serve you on a mission field. Please continue to guide him. Keep him in Your watchful care.


ruth said...

Hi Anita,
Probably most people who read your blog already know this information but I'm curious...are your kids all married, how many kids do they have, where are they living, what kind of work are they doing...etc. I haven't seen any of them in quite awhile and was just curious as to where they all have ended up in life.
I love your picture of the rock!
You also have referred to Jerry's health...is he currently having any health issues?

ruth said...

It's me again...I just read part of what seems to be Rob's wife's blog...so now I'm doubly curious...are they adopting children from Haiti? Sounds very interesting and exciting...I'm a little out of the loop but would love an update on them:).