Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Happy Birthday!

HappyBirthday, Shauna! I know you celebrated while we were sleeping! Being on the other side of the world makes a problem with time. But we love you and want to wish you a very happy birthday. It's even getting close to the end of the day here, but I wanted to write this to you before it's the next day! You're a wonderful daughter-in-law so Happy, Happy Birthday! Heavenly Father, thank You for Shauna. She's a very good daughter-in-law who is living for you and is helping young folks to also want to live for you. Please bless Shauna as a wife, mother, daughter, friend, dorm mom, etc. Watch over her, keep her safe and well. I love You.


carole said...

How do you get that weather underground that you have on your blog in the left side? It is NEAT.. Nice to read your blog and see what you are doing ... some lovely pictures and interesting blogs.. In Christ..Carole

Anonymous said...

I agree Shauna is very special - I hope she had a wonderful birthday!

Shauna Archer said...

Thanks so much, Mom, for the kind words and the lovely prayer. I feel very special and am thankful to be an Archer!