Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Good Old Days Magazine

My brother, Richard, called me yesterday to tell me he has an article coming out in the Good Old Days Magazine, November special issue, which he just received in the mail. It's something about our family when we were kids. Our family photo is in it taken in 1950. There is also an article by my dad about World War I in the Good Old Days Magazine, Nov. (regular) issue. There is a difference in the regular issue and the special issue in case you're interested in checking it out. (I tried posting the photo that is with the article with this blog but it won't post.) The November issues are not in our book store yet, only Oct, I just checked. So I'll keep checking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy the article. It's mainly about my job at the National Tea Company when I was sixteen, what I did with the sixty cents an hour I earned, and how it affected our family. It was quite a year. Thanks for mentioning it. Your much older brother, Richard.