The other day I wrote about Sydney (granddaughter) being sick. It turns out to be much more than a touch of stomach flu. As I look back over the days with her staying with us I see lots of symptoms but at the time I didn't see them as symptoms. She sometimes felt tired. She had had a bladder infection. She had a back ache. She didn't feel like staying all night with her cousin, Haleigh, one night! She didn't feel like eating. She just laid around a lot. She vomited... As I'm writing this, she is having tests done on her kidney's! Her temperature spiked yesterday so Ted took her to the doctor. Tests are being run for possible kidney infection! Please pray for her...
Lord, You are our Healer. You are In Control and Sovereign. Please forgive me for not remembering this. I'm bringing to you my precious granddaughter, Sydney. Please be with her right now as I write this prayer. Be with the doctor, help him/her to know how to treat her. I know she's scared. Please help her to feel your presence. Be with Ted. Please give him the strength he needs right now. Help him to trust in You.
I will be thinking of you keeping you close and praying for returned health.
Just reading your blog and learning of your granddaughter's situation. I will be praying for her too. Thanks for sharing about it. Sue
I'll be praying for you and your granddaughter.
Olivia struggled with a U.T.I. that was up in her kidneys as well. She was a very sick little girly girl. Once they get some antibiotics she should swing back quickly. We'll keep her in our prayers. I hate seeing kids sick!
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