Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wizard of Oz

Yesterday I went to one of our middle schools to watch The Wizard of Oz. Three of the stars are friends of mine. The Tin Man is Alex, Leah is one of the dancers, and the Scarecrow is Emma. They were all so good! I'm just amazed at their acting and singing and dancing. This is Emma's third time to star in a play at school. She's very talented. I'm so proud to know these kids. Leah and Emma I had in Club 56 so I know them well. Alex, I've known for years, since he was a little kid. I had his older brother, Brad, in Club 56. Lord, thank You for my privelege of knowing these kids. It's so great to know that You have a plan for each of their lives. Please keep Your Hand upon them as they grow up. Help them to know that You love them.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the photo Anita! Indeed, all of the kids have done an outstanding job. I'll be sure to show Alex. Thanks also for your prayers.

Pastor Joy Ziegler said...

We came down to Midland on Friday night to see the Wizard of Oz. My kids loved it and it was especially meaningful since we knew the kids! Great picture!!!