This beautiful picture is of Mt Hood in Oregon. My sister, Lorraine, took this on her cell phone from an airplane! Wow! She sent it to me on my computer because I don't have a photo cell phone. I asked her permission to use it on my blog. So, thank you, Lorraine. It's such a good picture! I didn't know you were so tech savvy (my spell check said that's the way to spell it).
Lord, I praise You because You are the Creator.
I'm impressed. If you hadn't said that picture was taken with a cell phone I wouldn't have guessed.
Owwwwww, I like that! Maybe when I get to heaven I can see a snow-capped mountain from where I live. I hope so and have an ocean or at least a creek somewhere in the scene, too. wk
Anita, I don't have "tech savvy." The beauty in the photo of Mt. Hood that I took from my airplane window with my cell phone is not due to any expertise that I have. It IS a good picture though, I must admit. Since 1964, when I moved with my family to Oregon, whenever I see Mt. Hood in all its glory, I marvel. Thanks for
appreciating the picture and using it on your blog. Love, your favorite (and only) sister, Lorraine
Aunt L, What a great pic! I love seeing the mountains and the seas from the air. There is just something so amazing about our earth. I love you.
So majestic...awesome pic
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