Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Hmmmm! Last evening I discovered something about myself...did you know I'm old fashioned??? Okay, okay. We entertained our new assistant pastor and family last evening and had a really nice time. At the same time, I'm pondering some of our conversation today and even through most of the night! This is a young couple with two young girls, ages four and five. They thought our antiques are interesting and even told us about some of theirs. (They had an antique clock stolen!) For supper I fixed fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, fruit salad, rolls, pineapple-upside-down cake. As we were eating I mentioned a change in kids appetites. When I was young, and even my kids, we all loved fried chicken. Kids today don't really care for it. (Ted, once told me, it's because kids today have chicken mc nuggets.) Last evening, the comment was made about being a 50's thing. Oh, so a meal like I fixed was a 50's meal! We all laughed about that. But that's an interesting thought. So our big dinner that I fix on Sunday's is a 50's thing?! Most of our friends do go out for dinner after church ; we come home and eat our dinner that's been in the oven all the time we're at church. So what do folks eat today? What kind of meals do people eat today? I really need to know...I don't want to live back in the dark ages. Well, change comes hard. The older I get, the harder it is to change.
Lord, help me to keep up with the world today. Help me to change with time but to keep my beliefs and to stand firm in my determination to follow Jesus.


Amy said...

What do people eat now? Well last night we had chevon (goat) over rice. I wouldn't base a "normal" diet on what we eat though. Talking about 50's food, I wonder what decade (or century) our meal dated from.

Anonymous said...

Our grandkids love fried chicken as well as chicken McNuggets. I think their parents must teach them how to eat all kinds of food and be polite to those who are serving. I get frustrated sometimes too, with my computer, and how you do things on blogs. My blog listings were not working right and I can't seem to do it either. But I think I have to go on layout, and then add a gadget, and go through the list to see which is the right one. There are several that are similar. Sometimes I think it helps to pray about the whole matter, even though God didn't get trained in Microsoft, somehow I think that He knows all things, so it is a peice of cake to Him. And He works with our minds to understands and that is what counts. I'm praying for you in all these things. Hugs, Sue

Barb Standfest said...

You are not in the dark ages. You have a gift of hospitality and enjoy serving others. Enjoy your sunday dinner after church and the opportunities that your hospitality gives you to touch the lives of others. We're planning on attending a corporate Sunday dinner after church this Sunday (here in Florida) and guess what -- Fried Chicken!

Anita said...

I think I should write an amendment here. Our company ate the chicken, but it seemed to be new to the little girls. I wasn't in any way complaining about them. They were so cute and sweet and even tried the salad! Sometimes I know what I'm saying but it's not always read in the way I write it!

Anonymous said...

How about not worrying about what people eat now and give your guests new experiences if the things you serve are new to them. That's fun and expands one life, too!

Kate said...

i am a vegetarian so eat a lot of different food, ancient grains, tofu, fruit, salad, avacados etc. your meal would be a favorite with the meat eaters in my family and i love pineapple upside down cake. sorry abot the typing i broke my arm skating lsat sat nite and this one handed business is driving me bonkers!

Anonymous said...

I NEVER liked fried chicken, or boiled chicken, or any other kind of chicken (except maybe a little white meat) since we were kids together. This is your older brother speaking.

Unknown said...

Please don't change a thing! I love having sunday dinner at your house when we are visiting you. In fact, I look forward to it!!!!!! My kids actually don't eat much fried chicken either but it's because I don't fry anything...trying to be healthy, you know. They do eat plenty of baked chicken though!! I have great memories of going to the lake on Saturdays and having a picinic of fried chicken!!!!! Thanks!!

Charity Grace said...

As a young mom, I find that a lot of families live on pizza, microwave meals, and fast food. When they (or grandma) do cook, they often have a separate meal for the kids. If they serve spaghetti, they have pizza for the children. If they have chicken, they give the kids chicken nuggets.

My kids aren't picky and I attribute it to a couple things. One is that I never gave them baby food. I just mashed up regular food once they got old enough to eat soft things, so they developed a taste for "real" food. The other is that I have always cooked home cooking and expected them to eat it. They don't know any different. A meal like yours sounds perfect to me! :)