A friend of mine, Naomi, gave me some keepsakes from a play that was put on in 1963, at Spring Arbor College. She was the student director, my brother, Richard, was the main actor. Reading through the program I see some other names I recognize. The name of the play? Silas Marner by George Eliot. If you were in this play, or had anything to do with it, please let me know, in a comment. No, you don't win a prize!!! It's just interesting to me. I was already married when this play was put on but Jerry and I drove down to Spring Arbor to see it. We didn't know Naomi back then, she moved to our town after she got married. I read Silas Marner when I was in 10th grade and I loved it, so of course we went to see it and especially since my big brother played Silas Marner. He's been in lots more plays since then.
Lord, thank You for the talents You give us. Thank You for friends.
Are you aware that Silas Marner was the first dramatic production ever offered at Spring Arbor College? Prior to then this very conservative school had always believed that drama was for Broadway and Hollywood, but not acceptable in Christian life.
Esther Maddox directed the play and was considered by some to be a "liberal" for staging such a thing. bro.
Yes, Chuck was in that play too. I have pictures that I will look up when I get back from Michigan and share with you. We are leaving in a little while to go see our Grandkids and girls. The other play that Chuck was in and played the main character was "The Vision" and also played in Little Women, and the children's play "Tom Sawyer". He was the judge. Gary Wyma played Tom. Bring back any memories. I thought that Little Women was put on before Silas Marner, but I could be wrong. Was Naomi's last name Riggie? We know her then.
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