Sunday, March 01, 2009


Oh boy, I slept in this morning til after 8:00! I meant to get up at 6:00! I did wake up about 6:00 but I didn't get right up and fell back to sleep again. I had so much to do this morning... So I cooked breakfast and ate standing up, finished printing the newsletter, unloaded the dishwasher, put a load of clothes into the dryer, baked a cake, browned a roast and got it ready to put into the oven (as the cake came out), all at the same time! Whew!!! That's multi-tasking! Then I showered and got ready for church. We were actually at church in plenty of time for me to hand out the freshly printed newsletters!
Thank You, Lord, for helping me this morning to get everything done that I needed to do. I guess I must have needed those extra two hours of sleep. Thank You for the wonderful sermon we heard this morning on Living in the Presence of God.


Anonymous said...

Hi there, Just noticing your weather is colder than ours. Will we ever see spring...? Seems like it has been a long, long winter. I love reading your blog.

carole said...

WOW!!! Don't you ever slow down? I always enjoy your newsletter and your blog.... also FB....I will try to send you some sunshine from Fl. o.k.?