Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Shack
Heavenly Father, Thank You for being my Father, Abba Father, Daddy, Papa. Thank You for loving me with unconditional love. Thank You for books that make me stop and think and take time to reevaluate my life and my relationship with You.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Megan! I can't believe you're a teenager now! You are so beautiful! Last year we were down for your birthday and I made a cake for you. I wish we could be with you today. I hope your brothers and sister treat you like a princess today! I wonder what is planned for you... I'm sure it'll be special. I wish you a happy, happy birthday. I love you, Megan.
Thank You, Lord, for Megan. She's so pretty. Please keep Your Hand upon her as she's entering her teen years. Help her to know she is special in Your Sight. Give her a good day today. I love her so much and You love her even more!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Feeling bad
Lord, You know how badly I'm feeling right now. Please help me to forgive myself. Help me to be more careful in the future and to write things down so I don't forget. Help my children to be patient and understanding and to not give up on me.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
2008 Firefighter of the Year!
Meet our grand-nephew, Ryan, and his new son, Joey. There's a reason why I'm introducing them to you. Ryan was just honored as the 2008 Firefighter of the Year! Picture #1 shows Ryan waving at me in the Memorial Day Parade. You can barely see him but he's there! There were actually two firefighter's honored in the paper but I don't know the other one and he's not related anyway. There's a good article in our daily newspaper about them today. There is also an official photo of Ryan in his uniform...looks impressive! This is the latest picture I have of him, taken last October at a birthday party for Betty, Jerry's sister and Ryan's grandma. Congratulations, Ryan!
Thank You, Lord, for our firefighter's. Thank You for Ryan. Please watch over him and keep him safe as he works to keep us safe.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Questions to Answer
1) I know you have been married nearly fifty years, how did you meet your husband?
I love having company for dinner and always try to make it a special time of visiting and eating delicious food with our guests. I think my favorite meal to serve is breakfast...Puff Pancakes with Sausage and Peaches. My mother served this to my older brother and me during a visit to them and then gave her recipe to me. I'm not really a morning person but for this I go all out. A special two-tone juice, fruit bowl, puff pancakes with sausage and peaches, cinnamon rolls, and coffee. It's very special. I cherish it and love serving it to friends.
I have lived in so many places. I never lived in one house longer than 3 years until I got married! I started out living in Iowa,38-46 and 50-57, that's my home state. I also lived in Oklahoma,46-48; Illinois, 49-50; Indiana - summers of 56-58; South Dakota, 55-58 and Michigan, 58-09. I love Iowa, I feel very at home there. I only lived in Oklahoma for two years but they were, maybe, my favorite two years. I was in 2nd and 3rd grades. I had so much fun with my best friend, Molly. We were in the same rooms in school, went to the same church, our mother's were best friends, we were like two peas in a pod. Life was hard back in the 40's but I have so many wonderful memories of those two years in Oklahoma. I've lived in Michigan now for 51 years. I love Michigan so perhaps it's now my favorite. We raised our family here. Jerry and I are in retirement now and enjoying our life together.
O boy, this is tough. I think I might like to spend an afternoon with Ann Curry. I think a long walk through a park or along a shore, or hiking in the mountains (that's my favorite thing to do); just talking about life, our families, God. Just talking and laughing, enjoying each other for who we are.
My parents influenced me the most. They became born again Christians when I was about two. Life was not easy, money was scarce, my dad traveled a lot. They were both totally committed to their personal relationship with the Lord. My parents were not perfect and made some mistakes in their child rearing (haven't we all?!) but they were loving and totally committed to each other and to Christ.
So there you have it, or should I say, me? If you'd like to be interviewed also, just send me an e-mail telling me so and I'll e-mail five questions to you. Copy and paste the questions into your blog and write out your answers. It's fun and simple. May I hear from you?
Heavenly Father, I thank You for life, for my life. It's not been perfect, but You are Mercy and Grace. Help me to live pleasing to You. Help others to see Christ in me.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Lord, help me to keep up with the world today. Help me to change with time but to keep my beliefs and to stand firm in my determination to follow Jesus.
Lord, please help me to be patient in this transition. I have so much to learn. Thank You for my computer and for my ability to use it, even though I'm very limited. Help me to be willing to keep learning.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Beautiful Orchids
More Winter Beauty
I praise You, Lord, because You are Power and majesty.
He sends His command to the earth, His Word runs swiftly. He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. He hurls down His hail like pebbles. Who can withstand His icy blast? He sends His Word and melts them; He stirs up His breezes, and waters flow. Psalm 147:15-18
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Beautiful Mt Hood
This beautiful picture is of Mt Hood in Oregon. My sister, Lorraine, took this on her cell phone from an airplane! Wow! She sent it to me on my computer because I don't have a photo cell phone. I asked her permission to use it on my blog. So, thank you, Lorraine. It's such a good picture! I didn't know you were so tech savvy (my spell check said that's the way to spell it).
Lord, I praise You because You are the Creator.
Wizard of Oz
Yesterday I went to one of our middle schools to watch The Wizard of Oz. Three of the stars are friends of mine. The Tin Man is Alex, Leah is one of the dancers, and the Scarecrow is Emma. They were all so good! I'm just amazed at their acting and singing and dancing. This is Emma's third time to star in a play at school. She's very talented. I'm so proud to know these kids. Leah and Emma I had in Club 56 so I know them well. Alex, I've known for years, since he was a little kid. I had his older brother, Brad, in Club 56. Lord, thank You for my privelege of knowing these kids. It's so great to know that You have a plan for each of their lives. Please keep Your Hand upon them as they grow up. Help them to know that You love them.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I praise You, Heavenly Father, because You are our Healer. I thank You with all my heart for touching Sydney. Please continue to be with her. Keep her well and safe and trusting in You. Thank You for loving us.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Cake and Ice Cream!
Most of all, I love You, Lord.
Happy Birthday!
Friday, January 09, 2009
Back to school
Thank You, Lord, for touching Sydney. Please continue to touch her. Help her to know You love her and care for her. Thank You for helping the doctors in treating her.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Lord, thank You for good books. Thank You for folks who write good books. Be with Jerry and me as we read together.
Happy Birthday!
Lord, thank You for Haleigh. She's a beautiful girl. Please watch over her life. Help her to always live for You. I love her and You love her even more.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Lord, You are our Healer. You are In Control and Sovereign. Please forgive me for not remembering this. I'm bringing to you my precious granddaughter, Sydney. Please be with her right now as I write this prayer. Be with the doctor, help him/her to know how to treat her. I know she's scared. Please help her to feel your presence. Be with Ted. Please give him the strength he needs right now. Help him to trust in You.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Lord, I praise you because You are Sovereign. You are All Knowing. Thank You that the car needed help right away and not half way home. It was a blessing they were still on our road when the problem with the car started. Thank You for the garage being able to fix it right away. Thank You for being with Sydney and touching her body. Help her to continue to heal and for Bella and Ted to not pick it up, or Jerry and me either!
Comment's and Grandma's
Thank You, Lord, for friends who read my blog and then respond with a comment. Help me as I write blogs to always present a true picture, not a fantasy world of perfection. I love You, Lord. You see the whole picture and know the whole story and still You love me.
Friday, January 02, 2009
The Last Hurrah!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy New Year's Eve Party!
After the movie we made party hats! We could be as creative as we wanted. This is yours truly!