Saturday, March 03, 2007

My Dad

I was asked, recently, to write about some of my memories of my dad. So, I've been thinking and deciding what to write about. One of my fondest memories is when Dad came home after being gone for several weeks. It was so exciting. He had a big black suitcase and he always brought each of us a present. My fourth grade year Dad didn't travel but one day I remember he said, "My feet are itching. We need to go somewhere!" We were living in East Peoria, Illinois that year. He made a phone call to a friend in Chicago and the next thing I knew we were piling into the old car and heading for Chicago! What a great time we had! We went to the Museum of Science and Industry, Brookfield Zoo, The Aquarium, The Planetarium, and more. We even missed school for this. Another detail I remember about this trip was that on the way Dad was stopped for speeding! I can still hear him saying to the patrolman, "You're right, I was speeding. I should not have been." He was simply given a warning! I also remember the patrolman asking why the kids in the back weren't in school! I don't remember my dad's answer to that. I'm sure I was holding my breath! When we were at home he was on call 24/7 so my best memories are of when we went away or when he returned home from a trip for a few days of relaxation before leaving again. He was a servant of God and therefore a servant of all. There was never any doubt about his personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. He was human, so of course, he had some faults, don't we all! But I think today he has many stars in his crown! There's so much more I could write, like going to camps in the summer, visiting family, etc. I miss him very much!


Anonymous said...

Great comments about our Dad, Anita. I have this old pictures of you & I and Mom & Dad in an old car. I am at the steering wheel. It was taken at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago in 1955. That would have been when we lived in Des Moines, Iowa. What a great museum. That's what I love about Chicago, it has great museums, etc. Dad was not one to sit around and do nothing. do you remember the time you and I went for our first airplane ride when we lived in Elk Run Heights, IA? Dad decided we needed to experience the thrill of an airplane. I will never forget it.

Anonymous said...

What great memories, thanks for sharing them.