Friday, September 26, 2008


Last night I watched an old movie from the '50's. It was a very good movie...with no sex, or violence, or bad language. Well, a huge fist fight might be considered violence. It starred Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor. I missed the first few minutes of it so I'm not sure of the name of it. The paper says, Giant. It went from 9:00 to about midnight. There was not one break in the entire movie! Yeah!!! It was on PBS...I think. The main theme of the movie was racial equality. It was so refreshingly good!
Lord, thank You for helping me to find this movie to watch. It was so good. It was so clean. Thank You.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great movie. I'll have to watch it sometime. I love watching old movies because they actually have a story to tell unlike most of the movies now (with a few exceptions). I'll make posts from this weekend later. I had a rough Monday morning start because I hurt my ankle before going fishing. The ankle's fine, but it hurts to walk on it.