Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Oh boy. I love the new countdown feature some of my fellow bloggers have: jack-o-lantern, thanksgiving, etc. So I decided to try downloading it too... Let's see, what to countdown to...halloween...birthday...old age...thanksgiving...Christmas...? Oh I know! Our 50th anniversary! Well, it took me a while to do it correctly...then I checked out my blog. Nope, it wasn't there. Well, maybe it takes a while to post. I'll be patient. By the next day it still wasn't there! Now, I was getting impatient. I decided to check out my other blog, Anita'sfavoriterecipes. It actually scared me! There it was bigger than life! I don't know what it's doing on that blog, but there it is. I'll try again to put it on this one. It's pretty neat.
Lord, You know how little things can and do frustrate me. Please give me patience and understanding.

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