Sunday, September 14, 2008

Auction of Hope

Yesterday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00 was the Auction of Hope for Elmise and Armon. It was a silent auction of goods that had been donated from businesses all over our city! We had a wonderful response as we went around asking for donations! No one turned me down, I can only speak for myself, but I think others had the same experience. Even Holiday Inn donated their Garden Room for the day! This first picture is of Lois and Jamie. Lois and her computer handled all the finances in such a professional way. I don't know what we'd have done without her! Jamie is such an organizer, I don't know what we'd have done without her!

I'm sorry I forget this girl's name with Christiana and Haleigh. She's been to Haiti several times and has really been behind Rob & Jessica and this adoption. This picture was taken while we were still setting up.

There were lots of snacks for folks to munch on and lots of ice water. Lindsay helped set this up.

I wish I had a count of how many folks were there! This picture is of Rob & Jessica talking to a former neighbor of ours before we moved to our present house. Tim was her paperboy and she really liked him. When she saw this in the paper she knew it had to be our family so she came! And that reminds me, our city newspaper has done a fine job of keeping this story covered.

Our new assistant pastor, Eric, providing music! He played jazz the whole time! I loved it!

Kelby is working on pictures to show on a screen of Elmise and Armon. This whole thing was very well done!

The Holiday Inn donated their Garden Room for the silent auction. It's a beautiful large room. Tables with white cloths were spaced all around so folks could wander around and look at the merchandise. This smiling person was one of Jerry's nurses when he had his first bout with cancer! I will always be grateful to her.

Our nephew, Bob, and Diane talking with Rob. We appreciate everyone who came.

And now for the big news... are you wondering how much money was taken in? I hope so! $2825.00!

Thank You, Lord! This is truly wonderful! How I praise You because You have a plan for each one of us. Thank You for Elmise and Armon and for the plan You have for their lives! Thank You for Rob & Jessica and for their obedience to You. This is a HUGE step they're taking. Please continue guiding them and providing for the enormous finances.

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