Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Oh boy. I love the new countdown feature some of my fellow bloggers have: jack-o-lantern, thanksgiving, etc. So I decided to try downloading it too... Let's see, what to countdown to...halloween...birthday...old age...thanksgiving...Christmas...? Oh I know! Our 50th anniversary! Well, it took me a while to do it correctly...then I checked out my blog. Nope, it wasn't there. Well, maybe it takes a while to post. I'll be patient. By the next day it still wasn't there! Now, I was getting impatient. I decided to check out my other blog, Anita'sfavoriterecipes. It actually scared me! There it was bigger than life! I don't know what it's doing on that blog, but there it is. I'll try again to put it on this one. It's pretty neat.
Lord, You know how little things can and do frustrate me. Please give me patience and understanding.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Jerry spray painted the silver on the windmill today...getting ready for winter.

We're almost finished reading the book, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Dr Paul Brand & Philip Yancey. It's gotten very deep but we're plowing through. It's given us a whole new appreciation for our bodies, for our doctors, etc. How any one, especially doctors and scientists can say we evolved from something (apes) or anything else, I'll never know. We're far too complicated to have just happened along the way. Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are the Creator. I Praise You.

Photo opportunities.

I just went outside with my camera today and snapped some pictures. Jerry's old wheel barrow filled with impatiens from two angles and the out of season Easter Lilies. So beautiful and soon to be gone.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the beauty of Your Creation.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Last night I watched an old movie from the '50's. It was a very good movie...with no sex, or violence, or bad language. Well, a huge fist fight might be considered violence. It starred Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor. I missed the first few minutes of it so I'm not sure of the name of it. The paper says, Giant. It went from 9:00 to about midnight. There was not one break in the entire movie! Yeah!!! It was on PBS...I think. The main theme of the movie was racial equality. It was so refreshingly good!
Lord, thank You for helping me to find this movie to watch. It was so good. It was so clean. Thank You.

Back to work

I must get back to my task of fall cleaning. I took a break from heavy house cleaning because I had to get the newsletter ready for printing. I finished it yesterday so it's back to the task at hand. It's going to be a beautiful day...a good day for window washing, which includes curtain washing. Oh, it's going to be a good day.
Thank You, Lord, for beautiful autumn days. Thank You for my health so I can do this heavy cleaning. Thank You for our home, which actually belongs to You. Help me keep it pleasant and homey.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Easter in September?

This is my this year's Easter Lily! After it finished blooming in the spring we planted it with the other lilys. And look at it now! It's blooming again in September! It's so beautiful and brings such hope to a troubled world! Heavenly Father, You are the Creator. Only You.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The right thing to do...

Last evening we went to Logan's for supper. As usual we got the special: two meals for the price of one. Jerry ordered steak, broccoli, salad, and rolls. I ordered salmon, baked sweet potato, salad and rolls. It's a really good meal...usually. However, yesterday Jerry's steak wasn't good. It was full of Grissel. The waitress asked if he'd like a new steak and he said yes. Well, by the time it came I was done eating my delicious meal. The manager, very apologetic, brought his new meal with a Styrofoam box and said our bill was taken care of. We were pleasantly surprised and got up to leave. Our waitress was very pleasant and also told us the bill was taken care of. We thanked her and left. We were almost home when Jerry said, "Oh no, I forgot to leave a tip for the waitress!" It wasn't her fault his meat wasn't good and she'd been very nice and sweet. I had a meeting to go to and would be driving right past the restaurant so we decided I'd better stop and give her a tip. I saw a look of panic on her face as she came to see what I wanted her for! She obviously thought I was mad about something! I apologised and told her we forgot to leave a tip so I was bringing it to her. Boy, was she surprised! She said we didn't need to do that. I said, we did...it was the right thing to do. Lord, help us to always be conscientious and do the right thing. Thank you for reminding us that we needed to give her what she deserved.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Max! Wow! Today you're 14! The years are flying by! I remember the day you were born! Grandpa and I were driving down to be with your mom and dad. We had no idea what day we should arrive or what day YOU would arrive! We took our time and even took a little side trip. We finally arrived at what would be your home, only to find no one there and a note taped to the door! "We're in labor and are at the hospital!" Then there were directions on how to get there. We made our way to the hospital and there was your mom and dad, your mom in labor. Our timing was perfect! The baby boy that was born a few hours later was also perfect! Now you're a teenager. I wish we lived closer so we could see you more.
Lord, thank You for Max! He's a fine boy. Please keep Your Hand upon him as he grows. Choices that he makes during these teen years can affect him for the rest of his life. Guide him. Watch over him. Draw him to Yourself.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Armon! You'll soon be my grandson! I've not seen you in person...yet. I've seen lots of pictures and I think you're a handsome little man! I can't wait to meet you! You're four years old today and did you know that you share this birthday with someone who will be your new cousin? Yes, today is also the birthday of Max! He's 14 today! So happy, happy birthday, Armon!
Lord, thank You for Armon. Thank You for bringing him into our lives! Please watch over him while he's still in Haiti. Please help this money to be raised soon so he can come here to live with his new family. Please also be with his birth Mother. Comfort her and help her to trust in You.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


AH Sound!!! I've been without sound on my computer for a few months! I did everything I knew to do to get it back and nothing worked...today our new assistant pastor came over for a visit but just before he left we started talking about computers; so I mentioned I don't have any sound on mine. He looked at it and went way inside, made some adjustments and suddenly...there was sound! Thank you, Pastor Eric!
This is so funny...I've been listening to beautiful Christian music on a blog that I love to read each day. Suddenly, oops, guess that's the end of the Christian songs for a while anyway. But they're also very nice songs: I Can See Clearly Now, and others. Good choices, Brenda!
Lord, thank You for computers. Thank You for Pastor Eric. Thank You for helping me get my sound back!

Monday, September 22, 2008


I almost missed it! Today...the first day of autumn! My favorite season of the year. I don't know why it is, maybe because in the past the beginning of the school year was an exciting time. That goes all the way back to when I was a little girl. I loved school and the feeling goes on to when my own children went to school and now my grandchildren are all going to school; learning new things, being with friends, meeting new teacher/s, wearing new school clothes, buying new school supplies, etc.
I also love the feel of fall in the air. The crispness is refreshing. The leaves turning colors: red, yellow, brown, etc. There's just something wonderful about autumn. So I also clean my house from top to bottom.
Heavenly Father, I love You. Your Creativity amazes me...such variety...such brilliance...such majesty!
I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart.
I will tell of all your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in you;
I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.
Psalm 9:1,2

Monday is a Work Day

We're doing our fall house cleaning. What a job!!! We started on Friday by bringing the tall ladder in (it's very heavy) and cleaning the high shelf in the living room. Those who have been here know what I mean by the high shelf. The clocks also had to come down and be cleaned. At the same time I cleaned all the logs I could reach. They do collect dust. After that big job we were too tired to do any more than just take the big ladder upstairs (that's a job in itself) and put the furniture back back in order in the living room. (The ladder was hidden behind the chimney! No one could see it from down stairs.)
Now today we set up the ladder again and cleaned the high (very high) fans above the living room/loft and the master bedroom. It's my last time to clean the fans...I turn old age next month and that's too old to climb the ladder so high to clean the fan! So next spring we'll see what happens!
Next will be the windows again... It seems like I'm always washing windows! But it makes such a big difference and makes the house seem so clean so it's worth the work.
Lord, thank You for my health so I can do this heavy cleaning twice a year. Thank You for our log home and for all of Your many, many blessings to us. I love You and I praise You.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Haiti Day

Today I was priveleged to go to Lansing to take part in Haiti Day! There is a large community of Haitian people living and working in Lansing. They send most of their earned money down to Haiti to support family members still living there. Most of these folks have family who were impacted by the recent hurricanes. There were 25 of us who went together from our church. Sydney and Haleigh were with me. There was lots of Haitian food. #1 show some of our women eating with some of the Haitian women. #2 Sydney and Haleigh are holding a small Haitian flag between them. These were on each table as a center piece. #3 is a photo of three darling little girls. They loved having their picture taken. #4 The Haitian people were polite and let their guests go first. #5 Sydney and Haleigh listening intently to two Haitian ladies conversing in Creole. #6 is the Pastor Serge's wife and son. #7 is a young man who loves to sing! #8 is of the Haitians going through the food line. Lord, You love the Haitian people just as much as You love the American people. You created them. Please help them. They desperately need Your help, the ones living in Lansing and especially the ones living in Haiti. It was bad enough before the hurricanes and now it's even worse. Please help them. Most of all, help them to hear and believe in You. Thank You for allowing me this privilege today.

Friday, September 19, 2008


This beautiful maple tree is in our church yard. I took the picture last year but I wanted an autumn picture here and the leaves aren't turning color fast enough to suit me! When I can get a good shot of this year's colors I'll change it. Thank You, Lord, for the beautiful colors of autumn. Thank You for our different seasons. I love them all. Please give us a colorful autumn.


The first picture here isn't really very good but it shows the whole plant. I took it because it shows six flowers blooming all at once. Actually, there were eight flowers but you can't see two of them.

I've had some questions asked about my Hibiscus plants so I'll try to answer them here.
#1 question: do they require a lot of sun? We live in the woods...no, they don't take a lot of sun. Mine get some but not a lot. I put them outside during the summer, they seem to love the fresh air. #2 question: is it worth it to bring them inside during the winter? These are the two plants Gene bought for me in Chicago about 4 or 5 years ago; I think when we were there for Andrew's high school graduation! I've brought them in every year. The peach colored flower is the one Jerry pruned way down to almost nothing. It took three years for it to come back and bloom, but it made it! The rose colored has had more flowers this summer than ever before and still has several buds to bloom! The plants get so dead looking in the winter I'm always tempted to throw them out. If Jerry had his way, we would! But then I think about how they come to in the spring and how they thrive during the summer and I just can't throw them out! It'll soon be time to bring them in again, oh boy, where to put them?! I'll find a place... Lord, You are the Creator. You must have had a good time creating such a variety of flowers, birds, animals, etc. I praise You.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary, Christy and Sean! Wow! 15 years and 5 children later!!! How many times have I said this: "Time flies when you're having fun!" What are you doing to celebrate 15 years? I hope you're atleast going out for supper (just the two of you), and then to a concert or movie; window shopping or a walk in the park? You're in the middle of the years when life gets a little crazy. I well remember those years and now that we're beyond them, I can truthfully say, it's well worth it! Have a wonderful day! Happy, happy anniversary! Lord, thank You for Christy and Sean. Thank You for their marriage and for their love for each other. Keep Your Hand upon them and their marriage.

Two Hibiscus!

I've been waiting for flowers to bloom, on my two Hibicus plants, at the same time. Finally, it happened. So I moved the peach colored one beside the rose colored one to take their picture together. Thank You Lord, for these beautiful flowers. You are the Creator.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Let's Get Real

Now that a couple of days have gone by and we're thinking sanely again, I've decided to get real. A lot of work, nerves, energy, money, time, etc. went into the silent auction that was held last Saturday. It was an affair with class! Thousands of dollars of merchandize were donated by various businesses in and around our town. But, let's face it...folks go to an auction looking for a bargan, even if it is a fund raising auction. $2825.00...should have been more than doubled.

So we're disappointed...and praying for the Lord to supply the funds that are needed. International adoption is terribly costly. Don't ask me why. I have no idea. I only know Rob and Jessica are opening their hearts and home to two little Haitian children (brother and sister) and trusting God to provide the funds.

They've sold what toys they had, motorcycle, 4 wheeler, camping trailer, etc. A hot tub was given to them about a year ago and they even considered selling it. Last night Rob was getting it ready for himself and Jessica to relax in before going to bed...the heater didn't work. What a disappointment. There's no money to fix it so Rob drained it.

Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are In Control. You own the cattle on a thousand hills! You are Sovereign. Forgive us for doubting You. Thank You for the soft hearts of Rob and Jessica. Thank You for giving them a desire to do their part of helping out the starving children of Haiti. You know Elmise and Armon. You have a plan for their lives. You also know about Rob and Jessica. You have a plan for them and for their family. You know about the enormous finances for adopting international children. You also know this would be an impossible feat for Rob and Jessica to do on their own. A lot of money has been raised so far but it's not nearly enough. They need your help, Lord. I love You.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dahlia with a Bee

This picture is one of my favorites! I took it last year at Dahlia Hill. I've had it on my blog several different times and it's still my favorite. That bee just stayed right there and let me take his picture! Lord, I praise You because You are the Creator!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


This is Mallery and her boyfriend. Mallery is an amazing person! She goes to Haiti often and has a real heart for the Haitian people. She has started a movement in the slum district of Port-au-Prince to begin educating the children. A new school opened up this fall for 120 children! She has done so much more than just that! This evening at church she and her sister, Brooke, her dad, Keith and boyfriend, Scott, and friend, Leah, all talked about their work in Haiti. I'm so proud to know these folks personally. In fact, I had Brooke and Leah in Club 56. I know that probably had nothing to do with what they're doing in and for Haiti but it still makes me feel proud when I see them all grown up and talking about their concern for the hurting people of Haiti. Brooke and Leah just graduated from high school! If you read the devotional booklet, Our Daily Bread, Mallery is featured on September 22. She is really amazing! Thank You, Lord, for Mallery and for the work she's doing in Haiti. Bless her and keep her.

Auction of Hope

Yesterday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00 was the Auction of Hope for Elmise and Armon. It was a silent auction of goods that had been donated from businesses all over our city! We had a wonderful response as we went around asking for donations! No one turned me down, I can only speak for myself, but I think others had the same experience. Even Holiday Inn donated their Garden Room for the day! This first picture is of Lois and Jamie. Lois and her computer handled all the finances in such a professional way. I don't know what we'd have done without her! Jamie is such an organizer, I don't know what we'd have done without her!

I'm sorry I forget this girl's name with Christiana and Haleigh. She's been to Haiti several times and has really been behind Rob & Jessica and this adoption. This picture was taken while we were still setting up.

There were lots of snacks for folks to munch on and lots of ice water. Lindsay helped set this up.

I wish I had a count of how many folks were there! This picture is of Rob & Jessica talking to a former neighbor of ours before we moved to our present house. Tim was her paperboy and she really liked him. When she saw this in the paper she knew it had to be our family so she came! And that reminds me, our city newspaper has done a fine job of keeping this story covered.

Our new assistant pastor, Eric, providing music! He played jazz the whole time! I loved it!

Kelby is working on pictures to show on a screen of Elmise and Armon. This whole thing was very well done!

The Holiday Inn donated their Garden Room for the silent auction. It's a beautiful large room. Tables with white cloths were spaced all around so folks could wander around and look at the merchandise. This smiling person was one of Jerry's nurses when he had his first bout with cancer! I will always be grateful to her.

Our nephew, Bob, and Diane talking with Rob. We appreciate everyone who came.

And now for the big news... are you wondering how much money was taken in? I hope so! $2825.00!

Thank You, Lord! This is truly wonderful! How I praise You because You have a plan for each one of us. Thank You for Elmise and Armon and for the plan You have for their lives! Thank You for Rob & Jessica and for their obedience to You. This is a HUGE step they're taking. Please continue guiding them and providing for the enormous finances.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Putting the camper away

Jerry is washing the camper with the power washer. It's a big job but the power washer helps.

I helped him some but he did most of the work. He really worked too hard, he's worn out tonight. We bought this new 18 years ago. It has served us well and will continue for a few more years. We probably won't take it on any more long trips but we'll keep it to use for family camp. I've always wanted to take it up to Alaska but I've about given up that dream. Oh well, we've taken it all over the country and down into Mexico twice. We have wonderful memories! Thank You, Lord, for our camper. Thank You for the wonderful memories we have. Thank You for Your Protective Care over us.

9/11/08 and Charter Bundle

What a dreadful day this was seven years ago. I still remember what I was doing, what Jerry and Rob were doing, when the twin towers were crashed into by the airplanes, causing terrible destruction. I was reading and at the same time, watching the Today Show, while Jerry and Rob were working on building Rob's new garage. I'll never forget that tragic day.

We now have, along with the all rest of you: cable TV, unlimited long distance, and high speed Internet. There is a difference in our TV but not as much as you would expect. We had excellent reception with our antenna, so there's a small difference but not much. We only have basic viewing so we don't have 500 channels to choose from.
I am relieved now to be able to call whomever I want, and whenever I want (except Tim's family) without using a calling card. It was always upstairs if I was downstairs and vice versa. I won't have 500 numbers to dial everytime I want to call someone long distance! This I especially appreciate. Our phone number is staying the same. We now also have caller ID. I like that.
The high speed internet I appreciate so we're not tying up the phone line any more. It's nice to
always be on-line. The waiting is no longer! I'm having to get used to it though because with AOL I had so many wonderful features that I'll no longer have. It took me a few very frustrating minutes to realize my favorites were no where in sight! Then I saw bookmarks. I'm having to transfer all my favorites to bookmarks. I'm afraid I'm going to lose all my saved mail. I haven't figured out what to do about that yet. I can't cancel out our AOL account until I get this all taken care of to my satisfaction.
Our e-mail address will stay the same unless I tell you differently. That's a nice thing. Or I may have two different accounts. I'll have to let you know.

Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are All Knowing. Nothing comes to You as a surprise. You knew about 9/11 before it happened, yet You are In Control. I don't understand it, but yet, I Praise You.
Thank You for our Charter Bundle. Help me to not take these conveniences for granted. Please give me strength for the day. Help me to make adjustments in these areas without frustration. Help me to lean upon You for my strength.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Monday, September 08, 2008

First Fire

It's a chilly, rainy day, so Jerry built us a fire. It's the first one of the season. Lord, thank You for our home, our means of making it comfortable and cozy, and our lives together. Help us to live our lives pleasing to you.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Richard! It's your turn! I know...my day is coming! But, today belongs to you. My wish is for today to be a very special day for you. My big brother, whom I have always loved. When we were kids I looked up to you. Now we're grown and I still look up to you. You have helped me immensely with the newsletter, and I thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Have a happy, happy birthday! Lord, thank You for Richard. He's a very bright and gifted man. Please keep him in good health. Bless him with Your Presence. Use him to glorify Yourself.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Mama, I won!!!

Hostesses, Judy & Joan, wrote a number on the bottom of a plate to give a prize away. Guess who found the number on her plate? Yup, you guessed it, Katie did! She ran to her mother, shouting, "Mama, Mama, I won, I won!!! In this picture Leah is holding Katie's plate up while Katie and her dad look to see the number.

Katie and her mom unwrap the prize.

Katie giggles at the prize...a turkey!

For several years now this bedraggled turkey center piece and another one just like it have been making the rounds of the MFMC women. We never know when it's going to show up! What were the odds that a little girl would have the plate with the number on the bottom and win the turkey???

Lord, thank You for good clean fun and good fellowship. Thank You for Katie and good sportsmanship.

Party Crashers!

Pastor Dave and Leah crashed our hobo stew supper! It looks like they were enjoying themselves!

Pastor Eric and Susie with Jolie and Katie also crashed our party! That's okay...we love party crashers!
Heavenly Father, thank You for our pastors. They are truly men of God. At the same time, they know how to have fun. Please help Pastor Eric and Susie to sell their house in Lansing so they can buy one here and get settled as a family.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Senior Fellowship Supper

#2. This is actually picture #2 in this blog but because I'm having problems posting pictures it's now #1 Penn and Bob are working hard cooking our hobo stew for the senior fellowship supper! You can see it's been raining hard.

I guess I'll number the pictures so you can see the order I meant.

#4. Judy, Joan, Penn, & Bob getting ready to serve the hobo stew! It really smells good!
#5. Here are Bob, Pastor Eric, Duane & Val, & Herb & Jane going through the food line.

#6. We had so much food - the salads were on a second table and the desserts on a third table! Here we see Judy, Jerry, Mary, & Marge.

#1. We had our first senior supper of the new conference year. Bob & Judy, Joan & Penn co-hosted. It was a great time!

#3. It was a rainy day so the location was changed from the home of Bob & Judy to the church. This canopy came in handy for cooking outside. Did it really take all these men to cook the hobo stew? Harold, Tim, Penn, Al, Herb, Dave, & Larry?

Lord, what a wonderful time of fellowship we had and the meal was so good. Thank You for blessing us.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


It seems like Monday, but it's Tuesday.
I'm plant sitting now! Our neighbor's behind us are on a cruise to Alaska! I'm keeping her Azalea plant. (I think that's what it is.) So I've traded a puppy for a plant! I'm doing my best to keep it alive and well.
We went to Logan's tonight for their special and both of us ordered a different meal than we usually do. Jerry always has steak (we had steak here yesterday) and I usually have salmon but we saw Rob & Jessica there and they were having teriaki(I don't know how to spell it) chicken on rice. It looked so good so we both ordered it. It was good and we're glad we had it. But we'll probably have our usual next week again, but you never know... By the way, Logan's have extended their special to include Wednesday! God is great, God is good. Let us thank Him for our food. By His Hand we all are fed. Give us, Lord, our daily bread. Amen.

More pictures of the pig roast!

Ken serenaded us with his dulcimer!

Harold took pictures!

Penn took a nap!!!

The pontoon gave rides to anyone interested! Lots of folks went.

It was a perfect day for swimming!

Penn, Tim, Jerry, and Dave played horse shoes.

Thank you, Lord, for a wonderful day of relaxation and fun.