Our new sitting/reading/sleeping room has now been initiated! Haleigh and Sydney slept in there last night for the first time! They laid in bed and watched a dvd before going to sleep. They woke up this morning feeling fine! The fish on Haleigh's blanket look happy! Lord, thank you for our granddaughter's. Thank you for the comforts we have in our home. We are so blest!
Hi Anita,
It was so nice to read through several days worth of your blog. Good to catch up on your family a little. Thank you for caring about my family from a distance.
HI anita
Do you remember me? My husband Tim and I pastored churches in the East Mi. Conference from 91-97... We are now retired and have lived in a motorhome for 7 years now so we can travel all over the USA and do volunteer work for Christian organizations. Right now we are in Tyler, Texas at a christian millitary school called ALERT ACADEMY. We usually spend the winters in Florida working but this year we decided to come to Texas. We spend the summers in Michigan as we have 2 daughters and families living there. Kristy lives near West Branch and Kari lives in the U.P. in Newberry. We have 18 grandkids so that also keeps us busy. Our other daughter Kathi ( We had just adopted her at 2 years old when we attended Midland church ) lives in Tn. ( has 6 kids ) and our son Mark lives in Ft. Myers, Fl. ( He has 4 kids.) All of our kids and their spouses are living for the LORD so we are truly BLESSED!! Where do you live now? I read Sue Husted blog all the time and also Ruth Jackson's... My blog is Carolesnews.blogspot.com More of a journal and pictures of our travels. Would love to hear from you. Carole Dillehay
I'm so glad that the room worked well. Happy Easter.
Hi Again... It's fun and interesting to read your blog. Sorry that I sent my blog addres wrong.. it's Carolesnews-carole.blog.com I never write to myself so forgot.... the extra carole Carole
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