Friday, February 15, 2008

Good Evening!

Well, the chili supper is now history! Was it a success? Oh yes! There were well over a hundred folks, approximately 150! Maybe later we can come up with an accurate number.
A lot of them I didn't know, friends of Rob & Jessica. A lot of them I did know! There was such a good friendly atmosphere, it was truly wonderful! Folks donated over $2,200.00! Now they can get their home study done! Oh yes, they have a blog: So check it out. Thank you, Lord, for this evening. Thank you for being there! I know you were! Please continue to lead and guide Rob and Jessica. I love you, Father.


Kate said...

Thanks for sharing...I just posted to their blog...what a wonderful story...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know how the chili dinner went. I am glad they had a good turn out. Just sorry we couldn't be there.