Monday, February 25, 2008


I must write about yesterday. It was a very enlightning, interesting, and enriching day. Before I write any more let me thank those of you who wrote comments/e-mails. It showed me you really care. Hopefully some others were praying for me. Prayers were answered. During the sermon yesterday morning (which was very good) the Lord spoke to me and told me what I needed to do - forgive. With His help I have and the dark cloud is gone along with the resentment I was carrying. Last evening we had a service to receive communion. I was so glad I had listened to what the Lord had dealt with me on so I could receive communion with a clear heart. Pastor Dave had prepared the service in a different way. It was very good and effective. Instead of giving each one a tiny piece of bread or a wafer, he had plates of slices of bread. (Small loaves of homemade bread so the slices were small and soft...just right.) We always use grape juice instead of wine and he had dixie cups filled half way for us to drink instead of the tiny cups with just a swallow. He did it this way so we would have to take our time eating the bread and drinking the juice rather than just one swallow for each and going on our way. It was very effective! Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayer, giving me a clean heart, and preparing me for receiving communion and thereby, giving me a fresh touch from You.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better.