We woke up to ice coating everything. We could hear it raining most of the night. We drove to church very slowly! Our road is all ice. Attendance at church was way down. We had a good service just the same. Rob shared about the chili supper on Friday. He did good. Then he said how when the pastor preached a few weeks ago about being obedient he wondered how that would impact him. Rob named a few ways God calls us to obedience: missionary, pastor, teacher, etc. but none of those fit him. He never dreamed it would mean for them adopting two siblings from Haiti!
Another man and his wife shared how they are now one spiritually. Nanciann shared how the Lord dealt with her on two issues: reluctance and stubborness. She refused to read her Bible ever and it had hindered her spiritual life and their marriage. Kevin said he prayed for 25 years for their marriage to be oneness. Finally last October the Lord began to deal with Nanciann. She finally broke; their marriage is healed, her spiritual condition is healed; their family life is completely changed-their two teenage children can see a real difference and it has impacted them!
Then the pastor preached from Matt. 26:1. I won't go into that but it was very good. I took lots of notes.
We're cancelling our small group tonight. We can't ask folks to drive out here in this weather. Heavenly Father, thank you for the good service this morning. Thank You for keeping us safe as we drove in to town and back home. Please, keep others safe as they drive. I praise You because You are Sovereign and In Control.
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