Sunday, November 18, 2007


Max has the mumps! We hardly ever hear about mumps these days. It was such a relief when they came out with the shots for mumps, that was when my kids were small. Max had the shots but maybe needed a booster shot. I was about the same age as Max when I had them. Oh, was I sick. I had them on one side and when that side went down I got them on the other side! I was sick for about a month! Hopefully, he'll get help, which we didn't have when I was young.
Lord, You are our Healer. I praise You. You are All Knowing. You know all about Max and these mumps. You know where he got them from. Please, touch him. Help the rest of the family not to get them.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Mumps are awful...I was terribly sick as well...poor Max...hope he recovers soon.