Happy Anniversary, Tim & Shauna! Twenty-one years, Wow! I remember so well the trip our whole family took up to Sask. Canada for your wedding! It was a very happy time. Now, here we are, 21 years later. Still happy! Now, with all your kids returning it might be kind of hard for just the two of you to get away to celebrate. I'm sure they would all like to celebrate with you! Congratulations on twenty-one years and may you have twenty-one more happy years together!
Thanks for the good wishes! We went out for lunch but Tim has been sick since Tuesday so he spent most of the day in bed. He's getting better little by little!
Love to all,
Congratulations Tim & Shauna for being married for 21 years. I was married for 21 years once. But then I went ahead and added another 20 years and will most likely add more. So, don't feel bad if you continue to add more years. It's good for people in love.
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