Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fun At The Park!

This evening we had a fun time at the park, the whole church was invited and there was a pretty good turnout. Barb brought her delicious rice krispie treat. # 2 shows Erick, Michelle, and Emily with Mary enjoying a conversation. Jerry took Penn and Barb both for a ride in his MG! Picture #5 is my very good friend, Jessica. #6 is Tom with his dog who had just taken Tom for a walk!

This is only part of the group that met at the park for a fun time.

Where there is a puddle of water you will find kids! Here are a few of our kids having a great time!

Good friends: Dale and Lois. They just celebrated their 50th anniversary!

Pastor Shane and Hannah, with Mary in the back ground.

Terry, Elizabeth, Emily, and Amelia: these four girls were part of the Club 56 kids I had before I retired. They are all part of the teens now! Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day of worshipping you and fellowshipping with friends.

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