Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The mean raccoon!

Jerry is in a battle with a raccoon! We love to feed the birds. We've outwitted the squirrels, so they're not a problem any more and they are content to eat seeds off the ground. But this big mean raccoon is really a huge problem! Somehow he climbs up the post that the squirrels can't climb! I guess his legs are longer so he can wrap them around the post. Then he knocks the roof off the feeder and empties it! We have a seed cake holder just below the feeder and he actually opened it and stole the seed cake a couple of nights ago. So Jerry has wired it securely now and he can't seem to get it open or get it off the post. But the feeder itself is now a mystery of how to outwit him! Yesterday Jerry put a short bungee cord up over the feeder and fastened it really tightly...well he got it off! The roof, bungee cord, hooks, etc are all laying on the ground this morning. The bird bath and a little dog statue are both tipped over as well. I was watching TV in the loft a little after 10:00 PM with the window open when I heard him come. He's very noisy. He struggled and struggled and he finally won! I wanted to go out and scare him away but Jerry and our neighbor have warned me not to go out. A raccoon can be very vicious. A couple of nights ago I heard him fighting with some kind of animal...the raccoon won. But, oh my goodness, the sounds I heard were so sad and upsetting to me. Well, I'm not sure what we'll do next, but I agree with Jerry, we feed birds not raccoons! Dear Lord, I know You created the raccoons and you know our frustration! Please help us solve this problem.


Anonymous said...

how do you get rid of raccoons besides shooting them?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My dad used to shoot the raccoons that got into his garden. Then he took them to some people who lived around there and liked to eat them!