Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Morning and Night

How does a marriage work when one person is a night person and the other one is a morning person? That's what we have going on here! Jerry is a morning person and I am a night person. We've been happily married for 47 years. It hasn't always been easy and this morning was no exception. We've been doing several big jobs together here in our house. Today we were going to clean the bathroom fans and also clean out some cupboards. We get up around 7:00 every morning, Jerry makes coffee, we each drink two cups and then I make breakfast. After we eat I immediately get on the computer. Well, this morning I realized he was bringing the ladder in and getting some things around, so I asked if he was ready to start the fans. He looked at me like...dah. It was only about 8:30! I asked if I had time to get dressed. He sighed and said yes. I closed my eyes and said, "what about a shower first?" He turned to me and with kindness and patience in his eyes said, "I think I'll go to Lowe's and look around." I sighed and looked up at him, "Thanks." What a guy! I suddenly flew in high gear. By the time he came home, and by the way with a motion light for the front porch, I had showered, shampooed, dressed, straightened our bedroom, cleaned the kitchen, and was half done with cleaning out the cupboards. Well, we cleaned the fans, he took the ladder back out to the pole barn and we still sat down to watch The Price Is Right at 11:00 AM! Oh, I could never be a morning person! I'm just getting my energy level up to par when he's ready to sit down, read the paper, work the sudoku, watch the news, etc. It takes a creative God to join two such different people together and make it work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you got a motion light!

You made me laugh