Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Dilemma of Young Mothers

Ahhh! First class is over! The class is small, but I prayed that the Lord would send just the right people. I was quite nervous but then I calmed down because the women were so responsive to everything! When I handed them the booklets I'd made up they seemed so pleased and then when we read over what each lesson would be they said, "Wow, this is just what I need!" So, tonight we talked about Me...Who Am I? I told them how the Lord just led me along in the planning of each lesson and one said, "I believe it because this is exactly what I need. When I read what the lessons will be I wondered how you could know this about me!" "So thank you, Lord, for guiding me and giving me this privelege of teaching this class to these young mothers."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Obviously you are following God's lead - I'm proud of you