Friday, August 31, 2007
He Got Us!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Happy Birthday
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Hornets and Sky Lights
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Fun At The Park!
This evening we had a fun time at the park, the whole church was invited and there was a pretty good turnout. Barb brought her delicious rice krispie treat. # 2 shows Erick, Michelle, and Emily with Mary enjoying a conversation. Jerry took Penn and Barb both for a ride in his MG! Picture #5 is my very good friend, Jessica. #6 is Tom with his dog who had just taken Tom for a walk!
Where there is a puddle of water you will find kids! Here are a few of our kids having a great time!
Good friends: Dale and Lois. They just celebrated their 50th anniversary!
Pastor Shane and Hannah, with Mary in the back ground.
Terry, Elizabeth, Emily, and Amelia: these four girls were part of the Club 56 kids I had before I retired. They are all part of the teens now! Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day of worshipping you and fellowshipping with friends.
Baptismal Service
Leah, about to be baptized. Joe and Leah were both in Club 56 when I was the teacher so I'm very pleased to see the spiritual growth of both of them.
This is sweet Missy, a new person, both inside and out! Leah is standing behind Missy showing support as a good friend.
Today we actually went to both worship services: 9:30 & 11:00! The first service was to be a baptism service. It was wonderful. Joe and Leah, brother & sister, teenagers now, were both rather outstanding kids in Club 56 so I'm not surprised at this latest step in their spiritual growth. There were two others also, but the pictures of them are too dark to post. It was a wonderful service. We stayed for the second service because Jerod and Missy were going to give another testimony and we wanted to hear them. Well, another friend, home from China briefly, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. We all gathered around her for prayer as she was anointed with oil for healing! Wow! What a morning! Pastor Dave only gave a very shortened version of his sermon in both services. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the presence we felt of the Holy Spirit in both services.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Stormy Weather!
Here are Penn & Jerry waiting out the storm. It's a good time shoot the breeze and to catch up on the latest news! I guess those were as bright a shirt as either one owns!
The room was full and most of the folks I don't even recognize. I think these people were campers who were told to leave their campsites and go to the shelter.
Some folks were still eating their supper when the alert came so they just picked up their plates and resumed eating in the shelter! This is Keith & Elaine. I wanted to meet them because I had met Keith's sister in Saskatchewan and had nice visits with her at the camp there. I told her I had gotten to know her better than I knew Keith even though he is in the same conference I'm in! Anyway, Keith and Elaine and I had a nice visit in the dining hall and then continued it in the shelter waiting out the storm! Richard is sitting next to Keith. Jerry happened to remember that Richard & Marilyn and Bob & Emmy were outside their trailers when we went by and probably didn't know about the coming storm so Joan called on her cell phone, thankfully Richard answered his. So they joined us in the shelter. Actually the camp staff is good about going to campers and warning them of bad weather so they would have been told but not as soon as a phone call on a cell! What would we do without our cell phones?! How did we ever get along without them?!
This disguised person is actually Carol who had been wearing a grass skirt at the Hawaiian dinner! She didn't want to wear it in the shelter...I don't know where she came up with this outfit! She has a great sense of humor!
Well, we were all safe. There was a tornado that hit down near Covenant Hills, a little south of us. A lot of damage was done in some places so we were fortunate. I don't think anyone was injured or killed.
After the storm and the excitement Jerry and I drove home and didn't experience any more bad weather.
Thank You, Lord. I praise You because You are Power and Peace. Thank You for keeping us safe in the storm, giving us a good week of Christian fellowship, and a safe trip home.
Good friends
Good friends, Penn & Joan. The last evening of camp we enjoyed a Hawaiian dinner and were supposed to dress Hawaiian.
Jr. and Carol kind of went all the way with the 'dress Hawaiian' suggestion!
Senior Camp
Reg and Gretchen Dunneman were our singers and they are outstanding!
Happy Birthday!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Autumn Already?!
I can't believe autumn is already here! This is the middle of August, usually the hottest month of the summer! But look at these leaves changing colors! We were at Covenant Hills Camp when I took these pictures this week. I did a lot of walking through the woods, saw lots of different kinds of birds and deer tracks. I praise You, Lord. You are the Creator.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sounds in the night!
The Battle With The Raccoon!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Playing Dress-Up!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Happy Anniversary!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Another Day At The Fair!
Bella and Sydney are petting a little rabbit. It was as soft as silk!
This is an interesting duck Bella is petting. He put his head down just as I snapped the picture! The girl holding him is his owner.
Another day is done. Sydney and I are about to go to bed. Bella is sound asleep. Thank you, Lord, for this day. Thank you for all the different kinds of animals and birds we saw today. We praise You because You are the Creator.
Fun at the Fair!
Oh, what exhausting fun! You can see the wrist band on Bella, they each had one so they could ride as many rides and as often as they wanted to wait in line. Some rides they got off when they stopped and got right back in line to go again! It was so fun! Because I had three granddaughters with me sometimes one had to sit alone or with someone they didn't know. But Bella makes friends very easily and on one ride she sat beside a little brown girl. They are both going into kindergarten in a few weeks and they just really hit it off. They were like best friends! They walked hand in hand to the next ride and the next and the next! It was really cute to watch them. They laughed and giggled together. I took their picture but when I asked Alona's aunt if I could put it on my blog she wasn't sure about that so I'll honor her and not put it on. Just take my word, it's a really cute picture! The most daring ride Haleigh and Sydney went on was the ferris wheel and only once! Bella wasn't quite tall enough so she couldn't go unless I went too, so I went to buy a ticket...four dollars! I said no thanks and Bella was a little disappointed but I couldn't see paying that much for a little short ride. Thank you, Lord, for granddaughters and for fun days at the fair.