Tuesday, February 09, 2010


We love it when our grandchildren come to visit. Any and all of our 15 grandchildren. Lately it's mainly Elmise and Armon who come over and we love it.
However, we had one unfortunate visit! Saturday afternoon the two of them came knocking at our door, all smiles! We invited them in and they soon asked if I had popsicles. We picked out purple ones and they were enjoying them when the phone rang...
It was first Haleigh, and then Mama (Jessica) in a very anxious voice asking if I had a couple of children at my house! Yes, I did! Oh, oh.
They had just decided, on their own, to come visiting! They hadn't asked or even told anyone they were coming. Mama was not happy. I took the popsicles back, we put their coats and boots back on, and I sent them home. I watched to make sure they made it safely.
Yesterday they came again, this time with Papa (Rob). They asked if they could have their popsicles back...yes, of course. They were very happy and excited.
Elmise and Armon love Grandpa Archer! Armon is trying to make a face. It's not too bad. They love to tease!
Thank You, Lord, for Elmise and Armon! Thank You for helping them make adjustments to our culture.

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