Sunday, January 17, 2010

Official Conformation

With profound sadness, Free Methodist World Missions reports Rev. Jeanne, Merle, and Gene, the three missionaries who have been unaccounted for, have not been located and are now presumed to not be alive. Today Bishop David Roller conducted a funeral service at the site of the building they were in which collapsed when Tuesday's earthquake hit. These three individuals gave their lives in service to the Haitian people whom they loved deeply.

Merle had been ministering in Haiti since 1978. He served as president of FOHO (Friends of Haiti Organization) and supervised construction of the new FOHO building. Merle was active in Craftsman for Christ and worked construction in the Miami Haitian churches. He also took three trips to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Gene had been on three trips to Haiti and one to Africa . Gene, along with Merle, was active in Craftsman for Christ and worked construction in the Miami Haitian churches. Gene and Merle were good friends, enjoying each other's company and sharing a heart and love for Haiti .

Merle and Gene were both friends of ours. It's so sad and unbelievable. There will be memorial services in Florida, Jan 19, and in Michigan, Jan 30.

Heavenly Father, You are Sovereign, You are love, You are All Knowing. I don't understand this, but I praise You and I trust You. Please be with the families of these three that are lost. You know where their bodies are. They are not hidden to You. There are so many others who are lost and hurting. This is such a tragedy. Please, wrap your arms around these hurting people.


Kate said...

Anita, Jerry and family...what sad news..praying for all of you and your christian community there, as you struggle to make sense of this loss. These dedicated people, who gave their lives and love to the service of the less fortunate, will be truly missed in their home community and abroad. Thinking of you...

Anonymous said...

We're so sorry to hear about your friends in Haiti. We'll keep you and their families in our thoughts.