Saturday, January 09, 2010

Mother & Kay

My second cousins, Kay and Lucky, went to visit my mother in December. They were in Colorado visiting their daughter's family so they took time to drive to where my mom lives and visit her. I think that was wonderful. Kay and Lucky live in Iowa so...thank you, thank you, thank you! Kay was the granddaughter of Bessie, my dad's oldest sister. Bessie lived to be one hundred and two! So Kay's mother is my cousin, Irma. She is 91. My mother is 95 and will be 96 on March 16. My dad passed away just four days before his 96th birthday. So, you can see, Kay and I have longevity in our genes!
This is a very nice picture of both my mother and Kay. Mother told me about their visit on the phone one day when we were talking. She was so pleased that they would take time to visit her. Kay just e-mailed this picture to me and I wanted to share it with you.
Heavenly Father, thank You for family, and for both my mother and my cousin, Kay. Thank You for allowing Kay and Lucky to visit Mother. Family is so important.


pondering something said...

How very nice of Kay and Lucky to visit Grandma. I am sure Grandma enjoyed it very much.

Anonymous said...

What a nice picture of your mom and Kay. It sure looks like she was enjoying the visit and Christmas activities. I love the hand made shaw she is wearing. Do you know if someone gave it to her or not. I've had a recent interest in crocheting and the pattern looks easy, like a huge granny square.

Shauna Archer said...

What a great treat for Grandma to have Lucky and Kay visit! I'm sure that made her day.