Monday, January 14, 2008


What new dream is God leading you into this year? This question was at the end of a blog written by a friend. It's quite thought provoking!

A year and a half ago I retired from teaching the 5th/6th grade class (Club 56) at our church. At that time our assistant pastor asked me what I'd be doing in place of teaching. I didn't have an answer, but he told me I needed to think about it and pray and talk to him again later. Skipping a lot of details here...I did teach another class last fall but it was only for five weeks, so I was idle again. I prayed about it but nothing seemed to fall into place...until last Labor Day weekend at the pig roast. Some of us women were sitting around a picnic table talking, when Joan said what we need is a senior newsletter. We all agreed that was a good idea! Then she looked right at me and said, "Anita, you should write it! I think you could do it!" Everyone looked at me and smiled and nodded! Oh my goodness! That was an interesting thought and my mind took over. I do love to write. Well, that night I was up all night working on a newsletter! I printed out the first draft and took it to church in the morning to show Joan! Yes, that was what she had in mind! So we've gone on from there. Prime Time News is bi-weekly. I'm just about finished with issue 11! It's definitely a God thing. I love writing it and being kind of creative with it. I've only had good positive comments on the newsletter so far. I give all the credit to God. Pastor Shane was right, I needed something to do to keep from becoming discouraged and feeling useless.

What new dream is God leading me into this year? That's very thought provoking. I looked back over last year and I can see how God led me into writing this newsletter. It has opened some doors to me that I never even saw before! I want to be available to God for whatever he places in front of me. Heavenly Father, I want to be so close to You that I see opportunities to show Your love. Give me the courage to act on those opportunities. I love You. I am free to become the person You intended for me to be! "I know the plans I have for you..." Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is an interesting question.